Mosquito Bite Ointment – How To Make It At Home?

Certain substances, such as essential oils of lavender, chamomile, citronella, and almonds, are great for relieving inflammation and itching from mosquito bites.
Mosquito bite ointment - how to make it at home?

Has it ever happened that, after returning from vacation, you had been accompanied by a nagging itching from mosquito bites for a long time at home? And even using a repellent did not help! If this is the case, you can remedy the problem by preparing a homemade mosquito bite ointment. There are easy-to-prepare preparations to soothe the bites of these annoying insects.

If you haven’t found a really effective remedy so far, it’s time to use natural methods. Read on to find out how to prepare a natural mosquito bite ointment at home .

How to make a homemade ointment to soothe mosquito bites

Whether you live in a hot and humid region or plan a vacation in a hot or tropical climate, there is always a risk of being bitten by mosquitoes.

While there are some products on the market that alleviate discomfort, most are made of synthetic substances.

However, at Step to Health, we make sure that the remedies we share come from the most natural source and products you already have at home. Here are 3 alternative recipes to make a homemade mosquito bite relief ointment.

Insect bite ointment with candelilla wax and lavender

Kandelila wax is a highly valued agent all over the world due to its many cosmetic applications. Its properties make it a very safe material that can be used as a base for almost any ointment.

Lavender oil


  • ½ tablespoon of candelilla wax (6 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of lanolin (12 g)
  • 5 tablespoons of sweet almond oil (75 ml)
  • 40 drops of lavender essential oil
  • Container with lid (approx. 100 g)
  • Wooden spatula


  • Place the candelilla wax along with the lanolin in a water bath container to let them melt.
  • When the wax and lanolin are dissolved and cool slightly, pour in sweet almond oil and mix well with a spatula. You must be careful that the base is kept at a low enough temperature so as not to lose the properties of almond oil.
  • When the mixture turns opaque and creamy, pour in drops of lavender essential oil and gently mix everything with a spatula.
  • When the ingredients form a homogeneous mixture, put the ointment in a container with a lid and wait for the ointment to cool completely.
  • As soon as the ointment solidifies, you can apply it to the affected areas.

Ointment with petroleum jelly and chamomile, perfect for insect bites

First, petroleum jelly stimulates and accelerates cell renewal. We add chamomile essential oil to this base, which is very popular for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic properties.

Chamomile essential oil fights inflammation and itching from mosquito bites. In addition, it cleans the skin and accelerates cell regeneration. The exact recipe is presented below.


  • 100 grams of petroleum jelly or paraffin
  • 1 tablespoon of dried chamomile (15 g)
  • Glass container (approx. 100 g)
  • Wooden spoon
  • Filter or mesh
  • Gloves


  • In a container or pot, place the petroleum jelly in a water bath for a few minutes to allow it to dissolve.
  • Once the petroleum jelly is in a liquid state, dry chamomile flowers are added and the mixture is kept on low heat for several hours.
  • After impregnating petroleum jelly with the properties and color of chamomile, remove plant residues with a filter or mesh. It is important that this step is carried out carefully, preferably with gloves, as the mixture will be very hot.
  • Then pour the concentrate into a glass container and let it cool down. And you’re done, you have a homemade ointment that soothes mosquito bites! Use it after cooling down.

Shea butter pomade and citronella for annoying mosquito bites

Shea butter has been used since ancient times for its excellent moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and healing properties. On the other hand, citronella oil, or lemongrass oil, is a good painkiller, antiseptic and mosquito repellent.

As a result, these two ingredients are perfect to make a homemade ointment that is very effective against the bites of these insects.

Shea butter


  • 1 tablespoon of shea butter (15 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of almond oil (5 ml)
  • 20 drops of citronella oil
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil
  • Small glass container (25 ml)
  • Wooden spatula


  • In a container, heat the shea butter in a water bath for a few minutes. Once the butter is melted, carefully remove the pot from the heat and wait a few minutes to let it cool down a little.
  • A little earlier, before the shea butter turns to a less liquid consistency, pour in the almond oil and mix everything well with a wooden spatula.
  • Once you get a homogeneous mixture, let it cool down even more, then add the lavender and citronella oil.
  • Combine all ingredients well and pour them into a wide-mouth container. Allow the ointment to cool well for several hours before applying it to the affected areas of the skin.

How did you like this tutorial on making homemade mosquito bite ointment? We hope you have the ingredients you need to get to work.

However, remember that although most of the ingredients are natural, it is important to do an allergy test before applying the ointment so that there are no complications.

And you? Do you have any secret of your own to soothe mosquito bites?

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