Motherhood After 35 – Learn All “for ” And “against “

Late motherhood may be because you wanted to pursue certain plans before having your baby. Even if you are 35, your pregnancy may be completely normal. It is enough to remember about recommendations that will reduce the risk.

If you are reading this article, it is probably because you feel you cannot be a mother after the age of 35. This is not true at all! Most women who have children at this age have perfectly normal pregnancies. Find out what additional precautions you should consider before trying to become pregnant.

The age and maturity you have in raising your children has a huge impact on their development and upbringing. Today, many women decide to enter motherhood at an increasingly advanced age. Although the ideal biological age for having children is around 25, modern women’s lifestyles have delayed motherhood in recent years.

Although getting pregnant after the age of 35 is twice as difficult and even has a high risk of having a baby, regular medical examinations help you get a healthy pregnancy.

There are many advantages to being a mother over 35. For example, at this point, you have most likely achieved financial stability that encourages you to experience motherhood.

Motherhood after the age of 35, or how to become a good mother?

By the age of 35, you are likely to lead a healthier lifestyle and better understand your body’s needs. In addition, you understand how important it is to prepare your body to carry your life in it for 9 months. Therefore, you will take more seriously the physical preparation and diet that you should follow during pregnancy.

Various studies have shown that women of this age tolerate the characteristic symptoms of pregnancy better, such as heartburn, frequent urination, and morning sickness.

However, you should know that after the age of 35, fertility drops significantly, up to 50% compared to the age of 20. This affects not only the number of eggs, but also increases the chances of a fetus developing with changes in chromosomes.

Women over the age of 35 are more likely to have the following complications in childbirth:

  • Requiring an epidural
  • The need to induce labor
  • Diagnosis of fetal suffering
  • Using forceps or suckers for childbirth
  • A cesarean section is required

Take into account the recommendations of doctors

Women over 35 are less fertile, so pregnancy can become a big headache for you. However, you will always have the option of using medical methods to help you get pregnant.

Being a mother after the age of 35 can bring several complications during pregnancy:

  • High blood pressure
  • Premature birth
  • Placenta problems
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Kidney stones and jade colic
  • Greater stillbirth opportunities

Similarly, pregnant women at an advanced age are more prone to a complicated birth. If you are over 35, it is safer to have a caesarean section. Remember that when planning a caesarean section, your doctor can better control risk factors that may be affecting you or your baby.

You’re still young

Who Said You Are Too Old To Be A Mom? Motherhood is the stage during which you should be happy. Having and raising a child is the most rewarding experience you will experience. Don’t let social standards limit your desire to be a mother.

Your more than three decades of life have made you a mature woman with extensive experience, able to meet any challenge that may be associated with motherhood. In addition, you still have enough energy to care for and raise your baby. It is important that you meet your personal goals before having children. This way you will have more time for your children.

Enjoy your motherhood if everything is fine

While the risk of being a mother over 35 may scare you, medical prophylaxis is the key to a risk-free pregnancy. As long as you follow your doctor’s instructions and have a medical examination, you don’t need to worry.

First, it is important that you do an initial check. This will make sure you are healthy before trying to get pregnant. During this checkup, it is important to talk to your doctor about:

  • Family medical history
  • Your partner’s family medical history
  • Vaccines you don’t have yet
  • Drugs you take
  • Medicines your partner is taking
  • Health problems you have or have had
  • Health problems that your partner has had or has 

With this data, the doctor can detect hereditary medical problems that may affect the fetus and thus provide the best treatment to avoid them. Also, if you are taking medications for congenital diseases, your doctor may change them to be safer.

Adoption is a good alternative

As we said, at 35 you are no longer as fertile as you were before. But if you really want to be a mother, you can consider adoption. Adoption is about giving a child to the family that wants to raise it.

The desire to be a mother must be your main motivation during adoption. Don’t get carried away, adoption is a decision that you should make together with your partner.


Although age may be an obstacle to becoming pregnant, being the mother of a healthy baby after the age of 35 is  possible. It is important to go to medical examinations and scrupulously follow the doctor’s instructions.

Be sure to follow a healthy diet. Avoid refined sugar and reduce your fat intake. Increase your consumption of fruits, vegetables, and high-fiber foods.

As complicated as it sounds, you should do whatever you can to avoid stress. Do exercises like yoga to relax. Anxiety can cause infertility in women. If you can’t get pregnant, don’t get depressed, talk to your partner about considering other medical options and even adoption.

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