Natural Infusions To Get Rid Of Excess Water From The Body

Water retention in the body - how to prevent it?

Have you ever found clothes that fit you perfectly the day before suddenly too tight and the trouser button does not fasten? Is it possible to gain weight in such a short time? Of course not – it is water retention in the body due to imbalance in it. This results in swollen feet, ankles and stomach.

Today we will present a few ways to deal with similar ailments and you will find out that fluid retention in the body can be eliminated with simple home methods. How to make water retention never bother you again? Here are some of our tips!

Healing plants versus water retention in the body

When water is retained in the body, this is reflected in a feeling of heaviness and general discomfort. Due to the fact that the body is swollen, we have the impression of a sudden weight gain.

Infusion of the leaves of the boldo plant

Perfect for taking it twice a day. The leaves of this plant are great at preventing water retention in the body. They owe this property to alkaloids, and more specifically isoquinoline and quinolizidine – oils that improve circulation.

Boldo infusion

To properly prepare the boldo infusion, place the six leaves of the plant in a glass of hot water. Allow five minutes to infuse. It is best to consume it slowly at breakfast and after the main meal.

Dandelion tea

A plant famous for its cleansing properties, it can be consumed both as a tea and added to salads. It helps in the removal of retained water in the body faster, improves circulation in the kidneys and detoxifies the blood.


It’s best to drink dandelion tea twice a day, one at breakfast and one in the afternoon. Leaves or flowers are needed to prepare the infusion. Put it in boiling water and wait for it to brew. At the end, the drink can be strained and drunk slowly. As a result, water retention will gradually diminish.

green tea

A well-known diuretic cleansing infusion. It not only detoxifies the body, but reduces inflammation and water retention in the body. This drink can be taken up to three times a day.

Green Chinese Tea

It is widely available, so there will be no problem finding it. But remember, before adding sugar to it, try to sweeten it with honey – this is a much healthier method.

Horsetail infusion

Widely available in all pharmacies and health food stores. A plant well known for its diuretic, cleansing and detoxifying properties, rich in various minerals such as silicon, potassium and magnesium. In addition, it has an astringent, anti-inflammatory effect and prevents recurrent diarrhea.

Field horsetail

How to use these beneficial properties? The horsetail infusion is best taken twice a day. Put a teaspoon of the herb in a glass of hot water and wait five minutes to infuse. We will improve the taste of the drink by adding a little anise or mint to it. Regular drinking will quickly bring noticeable results and water retention will cease to be a problem.

Birch infusion

The leaves of this tree are rich in potassium salts. They are perfect for cleansing the body, while having a diuretic effect , removing the feeling of heaviness and helping to eliminate retained fluids. It also works well in the treatment of urinary tract infections, and you can find it in every herbal store.

Birch infusion

It is recommended to take one to two cups a day. Pour hot water over a teaspoon of the product and wait five minutes to infuse. It is best taken at breakfast and in the afternoon. It has a soothing effect on the digestive system, and at the same time has a very pleasant taste.

How can I avoid fluid retention in my body?

To prevent similar ailments from afflicting us anymore, we should ensure that our diet is low in sodium compounds. This involves stopping the use of salt, and instead, the taste of food can be improved by using other spices and products such as lemon, onion or garlic.


It is also recommended to enrich the menu with vegetables. It should not be complete without tomatoes, asparagus and artichokes. Let’s not forget about fruit, especially banana – it is a rich source of potassium, and also about legumes and products rich in carbohydrates (rice, pasta).

Drink at least two liters of water a day. If you have a problem with this, add a little lemon to taste. And it is very important what has already been said many times – you should keep an active lifestyle! A few exercises, a short walk or a bike ride will help to eliminate fluid build-up more quickly, but will also improve the overall health of the body.

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