Onions – The Best For Colds And Allergies!

Are you struggling with a cold again? Learn how to use onions to fight cough, allergies and the flu.
Onions - the best for colds and allergies!

Have you got a cold again? The flu keeps you from getting out of bed? Are you fed up with these troublesome allergies? Find out how onions can help you deal with these ailments. Few people know that in addition to its amazing culinary qualities, onions also have many other advantages.

The changing seasons can weaken your immune system, increasing your risk of getting the flu or other respiratory illnesses. Although common and relatively easy to treat, they almost always cause a series of symptoms that prevent you from fully participating in your daily chores.

Although there are many products and medications to help you get better, sometimes it is better to use home remedies to help you relieve your symptoms. Fortunately, they are very easy to prepare and their ingredients are usually available all year round.

Today we would like to share an interesting remedy whose main ingredient is onion. Believe it or not, this vegetable can significantly alleviate coughs, allergies and all kinds of respiratory problems.

Give her a chance!

Onion and its amazing properties

Onion is a popular vegetable that has been used for centuries. Valued mainly for nutritional reasons, it is found in countless culinary and medicinal recipes.

woman with cup of infusion

Onions have a high sulfur content which, apart from its exceptional taste, is known for its antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help fight many ailments.

Onions also contain a large amount of vitamins A and C, which are extremely important substances when it comes to strengthening the immune system and fighting pathogens that negatively affect your health.

In addition, it improves the condition of your skin, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and ensures the optimal functioning of your excretory system.

Red onion

Few people know that onions have a diuretic effect, which prevents fluid retention in the body that can lead to inflammation in the tissues. In addition, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties, this vegetable reduces throat irritation as well as soothes coughs and runny nose.

The multitude of nutrients helps prevent the viruses and bacteria that cause flu, tonsillitis and asthma.

Finally, onions contain antihistamines that block substances that cause allergic reactions.

How to prepare a natural onion remedy?

Using this natural antibiotic will help you alleviate common respiratory problems. It will reduce the symptoms that make you feel so bad.

Our medicine is also a breeding ground for healthy bacteria in the gut. By taking them, you strengthen the protective barrier of your body.

white mush and onion remedy


  • 3 onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • the juice of one lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)

A method of preparing

  • Peel the onions and then cut them into smaller pieces.
  • Put them in a blender along with the garlic and lemon juice.
  • As soon as you get a thick paste, press it through a piece of cloth to drain the juice.
  • If the paste is too thick, add a few tablespoons of water and mix again.
  • You can keep the onion paste in a glass dish for up to 24 hours.
  • Optionally, sweeten with honey.

Way of consumption

  • As soon as you notice the first symptoms of a cold, take one tablespoon of toothpaste every four hours.
  • As soon as your health improves slightly, take two tablespoons a day.
  • You can also take one tablespoon of the paste on an empty stomach as a preventive measure.

Other benefits

While the primary purpose of this remedy is to treat respiratory problems, its properties are great for improving your overall health.

a woman grabs her belly - constipation

Natural onion remedy:

  • It protects the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.
  • It relieves pain in joints and muscles.
  • It prevents infections of the urinary system.
  • It fights against skin infections, mycoses and warts.
  • Heals burns and superficial cuts.
  • It relieves menstrual cramps.
  • Eliminates skin redness.
  • It reduces ear pain.
  • It prevents digestive system problems.

Onion for colds – Remember that!

You should know that the effects of this treatment will vary from person to person – each immune system reacts differently.

Onions can be used as an alternative or supplement to conventional treatment. Do not take more toothpaste than recommended to avoid unwanted side effects.

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