Oregano Oil For Colds

Oregano oil for colds

Oregano oil is associated with respiratory health, so it is used in folk medicine to treat colds and flu. We will show you how to use it and what benefits it brings.

Oregano is an aromatic plant that belongs to the mint family. Its oil is popular for its antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Traditionally, many people use oregano oil to improve respiratory health and treat colds and flu.

The oil is extracted from various parts of the plant and is consumed in various forms. Most of them can be found in health food stores as supplements, tinctures, or aromatic essential oil. The latter for external use and aromatherapy.

Learn how to use it as well as the benefits and contraindications of oregano oil for treating cold and flu symptoms.

The benefits of oregano oil

Oregano contains several compounds with health properties, such as rosmarinic acid, thymol, and carvacrol. This composition has the following effects.


1. It works like an antibiotic

According to ongoing research, this herb can fight bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus , one of the most common causes of food poisoning and skin infections. In addition, the oil can help fight some antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

2. Lowers cholesterol

According to scientific studies, this oil can lower cholesterol. Those who received treatment increased their levels of good cholesterol while the bad ones fell compared to those who only took dietary advice.

3. Antioxidant

A study with other similar herbs found that oregano contains 3 to 30 times more antioxidants than thyme, St. John’s wort, and marjoram. The antioxidant content of oregano oil is higher than that of some fruits and vegetables.

4. Improves gut health

This herb can alleviate parasite-induced intestinal symptoms such as bloating, pain, and diarrhea. According to one study, all participants experienced a reduction in the presence of invasive organisms and a high percentage was cured. Likewise, this oil would be useful for a condition known as leaky gut.

5. Anti-inflammatory properties

Ongoing research shows that this essential oil can reduce inflammation thanks to one of its ingredients, carvacrol. Despite the progress, more human research is still needed.

6. Can cure yeast infections

Test-tube studies have shown that oregano oil is effective against five different types of Candida , a fungus that affects the mouth and intimate area. It is considered even more effective than other proven oils. Candida comes in the form of yeast and causes infections when its growth is excessive.

7. Relieves pain

Ongoing research showed that this oil had similar effects to commonly used painkillers such as morphine. It owes this property to one of its substances called carvacrol, but human research is still needed to verify its overall effectiveness.

8. It helps you lose weight

According to research, this oil may help with weight loss as carvacrol reverses the chain of events that make up fat cells. However, there is still no conclusive evidence in humans.

How to use oregano oil to treat colds?

Thanks to its properties, this oil can help fight bacteria, soothe airway congestion, and also have anti-inflammatory properties. In the case of a cold, the two most common ways to use it are inhalation and gargling.

Inhalation of steam with oregano oil

  1. Put the pot of water on the fire, bring to a boil, take the pot off the heat, add two to three drops of oregano oil and cover the pot.
  2. You should prepare some towels in advance to cover your shoulders, back, head and finally the pot. This way you will keep the container warm longer.
  3. Once you have prepared steps 1 and 2, place the pot still covered on the table right under your nose.
  4. Make sure you are warm and carefully reveal the container. Inhale the steam thoroughly through your nose for about 6 to 12 minutes. This will help you remove mucus from your nostrils.
  5. Avoid drafts and cold sensations during and after using anti-swelling steam.

In cases of sore throat

  1. Pour one to two drops of oregano oil into a glass of warm water.
  2. Now gargle in small sips for about half a minute.
  3. Repeat until you run out of water. This will help reduce inflammation in that area.

How to use it to treat bronchitis and cough?

Another property of oregano oil is its expectorant potential. It thins the mucus, relieving the symptoms of bronchitis. There are two treatments.

How to Inhalation with Oregano Oil

  1. Put the pot of water on the fire, when it reaches its boiling point, take it off the heat, add two to three drops of oregano oil and cover the pot.
  2. Once the water is boiling, put towels on your back, arms and head. Also have a towel for the pot. This way you will keep the container warm longer.
  3. On a stool or table, place the pot still covered just under your nose.
  4. Carefully remove the pot and inhale the steam thoroughly for about 6 to 12 minutes. This will help loosen the mucus.
  5. Avoid drafts during and after inhalation.

How to apply oil on the chest

  1. In a small bowl, mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of coconut oil with 5 to 8 drops of oregano oil and mix for a few seconds.
  2. With warm hands, soak your fingertips in mixed oil and gently massage into your chest.
  3. It is important to stay warm during and after the procedure.
Oregano Oil

Contraindications to the use of oregano oil

Be careful not to use an excessive dose of oregano oil. You should know that it is made with a lot of concentration. Thymol side effects may arise if you go overboard or use it for a long time.

The most common side reactions are skin and eye allergies, nausea and vomiting, indigestion, and skin rashes. There is still a lack of scientific studies confirming its use in pregnant women and children, so it is not recommended to use oregano oil in both cases.

Use oregano oil with caution for colds

The oregano oil benefits are helpful. It even contains antioxidants in greater amounts than some fruits and vegetables. Keep in mind, however, that more research is still needed to fully understand its function.

Oregano oil can be used to alleviate some common health problems (colds and flu), but you should consume or use the correct dosages. Read the manufacturer’s recommendations.

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