Osteoporosis – How To Fight It?

Did you know that drinking plenty of milk doesn’t have to help with osteoporosis? Find out what is effective in fighting this disease.
Osteoporosis - how to fight it?

Osteoporosis is a disease that affects many people. This is especially true of postmenopausal women. However, they may wonder why they lack calcium when they drink milk every day and even take calcium supplements.

This article will answer that question. In addition, we will offer healthy alternatives that will provide your body with calcium in a simple and natural way.

Osteoporosis – what is it?

This condition makes the bones more fragile and, as a result, you are at greater risk of fractures. More women than men suffer from osteoporosis. It happens much more often after reaching the middle age. Genetic factors and heredity can also be important.

osteoporosis pictured, woman at the doctor

Other reasons include:

  • malnutrition
  • unbalanced diet
  • certain medications
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • hormonal problems

The problem with detecting disease is that few symptoms can be detected before a fracture occurs or pain is felt. Therefore, you should be vigilant if osteoporosis has occurred in members of your family.

Is milk a good source of calcium?

One of the top recommendations for osteoporosis and some other illnesses is calcium. It has been argued for centuries that you should drink a glass of milk every day for this purpose. However, as time goes on, osteoporosis is becoming more common. Worse, it also occurs at a relatively young age.

You could say that the quality of the milk has decreased and the processed milk is much inferior to the original milk. However, this product is still rich in calcium salts, which are easier to digest thanks to lactose.

However, other factors are said to hinder the absorption of this mineral, such as proteins or lactose intolerance. Additionally, many people suffer from them without knowing it. This reduces their gut’s ability to assimilate nutrients.

Milk and osteoporosis

More and more studies show that regular consumption of milk does not prevent or combat osteoporosis. Additionally, it can increase the risk of ovarian or prostate cancer, as well as cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, you may want to consider taking other sources of calcium.

milk in a glass and a jug

Calcium supplements

If you must take them, try to separate them throughout the day. Additionally, always try to eat them with other meals. At the same time, you should also provide your body with vitamin D.

However, you may not need to take supplements, in which case we recommend looking at products that are naturally high in calcium.

Natural alternatives with calcium

If you want your diet to be rich in calcium – you should include the following foods in your diet. They are all lactose free.

foods rich in calcium.  Plant milk
  • sardines
  • seafood and caviar
  • vegetables (leek, broccoli, spinach)
  • sesame seeds (can be eaten raw, baked and cold pressed)
  • mixed nuts (almonds, hazelnuts)
  • dried fruit (figs, dates)
  • legumes (beans, lentils)
  • cumin
  • leaf parsley

Other factors

If you want to stop osteoporosis completely, there are other factors you should consider. They will help you both prevent and treat it.

Here they are:

  • Every day, expose your body to the sun or take vitamin D3 supplements under the supervision of a doctor.

Regulate hormone levels during hormonal changes, i.e. menopause. This will allow you to balance your hormones (estrogen for women and testosterone for men).

  • Avoid alcoholic beverages.
  • Reduce the amount of sugar and sugary foods in your diet.
  • Perform moderate-intensity exercise at least 2-3 times a week. This will directly increase the strength of your bones.

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