Outsmart Insomnia With Salt And Sugar

The combination of sugar and salt will help normalize your stress-causing hormone levels and restore your normal sleep patterns.
Outsmart insomnia with salt and sugar

Insomnia  is a condition that includes problems with falling asleep as well as poor sleep quality. It can cause many sleepless nights or very early wake-up calls. Insomnia  is the most common sleep disorder in the population.

It primarily affects women, the elderly and people who suffer from emotional disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Lack of sleep or its poor quality can have a very negative impact on your professional or private life, so it is worth reaching for natural and effective remedies, such as salt and sugar.

Insomnia is a very troublesome and harmful to health ailment, which is why the market is full of drugs and preparations designed to combat sleep disorders.

Of course, these types of commercial products should only be taken on medical advice and in moderation, as excessive use of anesthetic can have many side effects.

Treating insomnia with sugar and salt is a very popular and simple trick. Read this article and find out how to deal with this problem effectively!

Are salt and sugar an effective remedy for insomnia?


One of the main causes of insomnia is stress – biochemical reactions in the body then affect the production of sleep hormones.

When stress hormone levels are high, it disrupts the natural rhythm of sleep and wake. As a result, it is difficult to fall asleep or even unable to sleep through the night.

How can salt and sugar help us? Both of these products can control the effects of stress hormones, restore their natural levels, and prevent them from affecting your sleep patterns further.

In his book, Eat for Heat, researcher Matt Stone describes the salt and sugar trick as follows:

How to treat insomnia with salt and sugar?

Nowadays, people often talk about the harmful effects of sugar and salt on our health, pointing to them as the cause of many diseases and disorders.

However, it is worth emphasizing that salt and sugar consumed in moderation are beneficial for our health, because the human body needs small amounts of the substances contained in them.


Why is it worth using salt and sugar?

The taste of such a combination may not be the most pleasant, but the advantages of using these products are so great that it is worth reaching for them from time to time.

  • Salt and sugar strengthen the immune system.
  • They help to relieve headaches.
  • They add energy.
  • They raise the level of electrolytes and serotonin.
  • They help to deal with stress.

Recipe for home remedy for insomnia

Brown sugar

Needed ingredients

  • 1 teaspoon of sea salt
  • 5 teaspoons of brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of panels (unrefined form of cane sugar)

A method of preparing

Place all ingredients in a dish (preferably a jar) and mix thoroughly. P anela is an ingredient that often separates from the rest, so it should be carefully combined with brown sugar.

If the formula is too salty for you, you can reduce the amount of salt.

How to use?

Before going to bed or at night, put a small amount of this mixture under your tongue and let it dissolve completely. Keep a container of this remedy near your bed so that you can use it whenever you feel insomniac.

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