Overweight – 9 Habits That Cause It

For many people, the only known way to combat stress is to overeat on fast food and sweets. Not everyone knows that they can be perfectly replaced with fruit and vegetables.
Overweight - 9 habits that cause it

Being overweight  is a problem that affects a large part of society, so many people try to fight it in various ways. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that sometimes a slimming diet is not enough, because their lives are full of habits that effectively prevent them from losing unnecessary kilograms.

If you want to lose weight, you must remember that it takes a lot of patience and commitment. Changing habits is necessary if you want to achieve the results you want and forget what excess weight is . Read this article and find out why you can’t lose weight.

Overweight – 9 deadly sins

1. Binge eating at night

It is an extremely harmful habit that effectively prevents you from losing unnecessary kilograms, especially since in the evening you usually eat something sweet and very caloric.

Make a balanced menu and schedule meals so that you eat the last one at least two hours before going to bed. If you get hungry between meals, use a fruit as a snack, not a bar.

2. Sleep problems and overweight

If your daily routine is disturbed or irregular, it is very difficult to control the times and quality of your meals.

woman in bed suffers from insomnia

When you go to bed very late or suffer from insomnia, this leads to a disturbance in the level of hormones in your body. As a consequence, you do not feel full and eat more than usual, which sooner or later will put you overweight.

3. Lack of concentration while eating

Eating in front of a computer or TV screen or other distracting electronic device is a gross mistake.

A study published by the  American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has shown that people who do not focus on what and how they eat eat up to 50% more calories, making them easier to overweight.

What’s more, they don’t eat well and a moment later they reach for a snack again.

4. Stress, emotional tension and overweight

Stress and anxiety are two deadly enemies of your figure and your health. Many people tend to eat stress and eat unhealthy snacks and sweets. Being overweight is therefore a natural consequence of such a reaction to emotional tension.

The stressed out woman props her head

That is why it is so important to skillfully deal with stress, worries and problems. When you can’t cope with them anymore, instead of eating fast food, drink water, eat fruit or make yourself a cup of tea.

4. Eating too fast

In today’s world, when we are all in a constant rush, many of us eat very quickly to save time. Meanwhile, eating with concentration and chewing each bite thoroughly is extremely important and improves the digestive process.

To avoid overweight or obesity, try to spend at least 20 minutes eating each meal calmly.

5. A sedentary lifestyle – overweight guaranteed!

A sedentary lifestyle is the cause of many health problems, such as circulation problems and being overweight. Such people usually do not even ensure the minimum recommended dose of physical effort, and yet they eat more, which makes them easy to gain weight and accumulate fat tissue.

sitting in front of a computer and being overweight

It is worth introducing a bit of exercise into your life in time, because in the long run, its lack can be disastrous, and being overweight is only one of them.

6. Leaving home without breakfast and being overweight

As we have already mentioned, modern people do not have time forever, so they try to save it at all costs. As? For example, leaving home in the morning without breakfast. It is an extremely harmful habit that leads to weight gain.

As it turns out, the first meal of the day stimulates the metabolism to work and helps you start the day with the right dose of energy. A good breakfast should include complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats.

7. Excessive salt intake

Overweight can also be caused by excessive salt intake. However, limiting it is extremely important for your overall health. Salt causes fluid retention in the body and has a negative effect on blood pressure.

Spilled salt

For people suffering from cardiovascular ailments or obesity, the solution may be a low-sodium diet or replacing salt with other spices.

8. Insufficient hydration of the body

When we do not supply the body with the right amount of fluid, our kidneys work slower, thus allowing harmful substances to accumulate in our body. Specialists recommend drinking at least two liters of water a day.

This will keep your body hydrated, prevent fluid retention and allow you to excrete harmful waste products. Instead of water, you can also choose natural juices and teas.

Overweight is often associated with the excessive consumption of sweet drinks – definitely eliminate them from your diet. He will see, these changes will surely pay off!

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