Pain And Its Types That Should Never Be Ignored – Step To Health

Pain and its types that should never be ignored

When you feel a pain in your head, stomach, or leg, it’s normal to want to take a pain reliever so you can resume your activities without hindrance. You don’t have to worry too much about the little pains, especially if they don’t happen very often.

However, you should know what types of pain may indicate the development of serious ailments. Below we will explain what the pains are all about.

Pain is always a symptom of something, it could be fatigue, stress, poor diet, or some type of inflammation. Not all types of pain are serious, but there are cues that you shouldn’t take lightly.

It is not always a good idea to resort to painkillers, so today we want to explain to you what types of pain you should pay more attention to.

What kind of pain should you pay more attention to?

Penetrating back pain

  • This is not muscle overwork pain or typical back pain that can result from poor posture or fatigue. This is the increased pressure in the back along with the piercing pain and burning sensation.
  • What is the reason for this? Doctors say this type of problem is caused by a thoracic aortic aneurysm, which can cause atherosclerosis. Your arteries gradually harden, and you may feel pain in your chest and back.
  • Back pain can also be caused by kidney stones, but in this case the pain will be stronger and will be on one side of your back.

Stabbing pain in the abdomen

  • Abdominal pain  is very common, but you need to know how to tell the difference between serious types. First, you need to check the temperature. If you have a fever it could mean an infection.
  • If the pain is very stabbing and occurs on the right side of your abdomen, it may be appendicitis. You may also suffer from pancreatitis or cholecystitis.
  • If you have pain below your breastbone, you probably have pancreatitis. Remember to consult a doctor in each case of this type in order to obtain a correct diagnosis. Remember that you should always pay attention to severe abdominal pain.

Momentary chest pains

heart rate measurement
  • Suddenly developing severe pain in the chest that pierces you from your neck to your shoulders.  Most often, such pains are symptoms of cardiac problems that you cannot ignore.
  • If, in addition, you feel tired with light exercise, or if you feel nauseous when you go upstairs, then you shouldn’t be overwhelmed with such pains.

Pain when urinating

woman in the toilet
  • If you feel a burning pain every time you use the toilet, it is definitely an infection. Urinary tract infections that cause this type of ailments can also cause fatigue, fever and stomach bloating.
  • Infections can be caused by cystitis, kidney disease, irritation, and other bladder problems. Remember to see your doctor for a correct diagnosis.

You should know that you don’t need to be concerned about any pain you feel. As we noted at the beginning, the most common pains are not caused by anything serious, such as: headache because you ate little during the day, back pain due to poor posture, leg pain due to poor circulation.

All these kinds of pain are normal. However, sometimes pain can be a symptom of an illness and you should not take it lightly. Never ignore severe abdominal pain or chest pain. When in any doubt, see your doctor for a professional diagnosis.

Your health should always come first.

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