Pancreas – Take Care Of It!

Pancreas - take care of it!

Each of us knows perfectly well that the pancreas is a part of the human body, but not all of us are able to determine what role this organ plays in our body or what symptoms indicate its dysfunction.

In this article, we explain what the pancreas is and what foods and dietary supplements will help keep it healthy.

Pancreas – what is its role in the body?

The pancreas is a gland located in the upper abdomen, just behind the stomach and in front of the spine. It has two functions:

  • It secretes digestive enzymes that penetrate the small intestine – this is its basic function, which plays one of the key roles in the proper digestive process, especially in the digestion of fats and proteins.
  • It produces three types of hormones that enter the blood: insulin responsible for the body’s energy level, glucagon and somatostatin. All three are closely related, and for the body to maintain normal blood sugar levels, they must be in balance.

Check that your pancreas is working properly

The following diseases may be associated with the pancreas: pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, cystic fibrosis, and pancreatic cancer. Remember that a sick pancreas sends signals very early that something is wrong with it and that we should take special care of it.

Below are some symptoms that should alert you and prompt you to do some research and action.

  • The condition of our pancreas is reflected in the appearance of our lips, it manifests itself in the form of appetite disorders and the desire to eat a variety of dishes. If you notice disturbing changes in these three aspects, it could be a pancreatic disorder. Note if you often feel like sweets, feel full quickly, and then feel hungry again.
  • Digestive problems and chronic constipation are another clear symptom of pancreatic dysfunction. While they may also be a sign of diseases of other organs, they may well be an indication of the pancreas.
  • If you are a thin person and your tummy is sticking out for no apparent reason, it could also be a sign that your pancreas is having problems.

Healthy food for the pancreas

The best way to prevent pancreatic diseases, especially if your family has a history of pancreatic diseases, is to include the appropriate foods in your diet, which are listed below.

Each of them has natural blood sugar regulating properties, thanks to which they greatly facilitate the work of the pancreas.

  • Green Peas : This tasty vegetable has become known as “plant insulin”. So we recommend that you do not run out of it in your daily diet. Your pancreas will thank you for this change.
Fresh green peas
  • Brewer’s yeast : This dietary supplement is indispensable in our diet – apart from the fact that it has a beneficial effect on the pancreas, it also regulates the work of the nervous system and is a great ally of beauty, especially hair, skin and nails.
  • Stevia : This all-natural, zero-calorie sweetener enables us to sweeten a wide variety of foods in a healthy and natural way. However, remember that in order to regulate blood sugar levels, it must be consumed pure, unrefined.
  • Cinnamon : This spice, which is combined with stevia in a natural diabetes treatment, should appear on our plates every day. We can add cinnamon to fruits, yoghurts, all kinds of desserts, as well as meats and other dishes.
Aromatic cinnamon sticks

Pancreas and emotional problems

In the case of natural treatment of any ailment, we should take into account all kinds of aspects that may affect the condition of our body. Find out what emotions are released when the pancreas is disturbed.

People who suffer from pancreatic imbalances tend to be obsessive and keep the same ideas and ideas. Sometimes they may be just manas or daily rituals that we are not even aware of, but our surroundings do – notice them immediately.

This obsessive attitude is due to the blockage of energy coming from the pancreas.

In addition to the daily consumption of the above-mentioned products, contact with nature, in particular with the ground , plays a key role in pancreatic disorders. In nature, we have the opportunity to release our blocking ideas and bring about an energetic balance.

As often as I’m leaving the city, walk barefoot, let dampened you shower, bathe in rivers and lakes, from time to time get dirty like a child … Maybe at first will love this nonsensical idea, but over time you’ll find that your body needs it, and you will feel great joy and serenity. For the pancreas, it is a truly original and health therapy.

Mountain hiking trip

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