PLANK Exercise – Strengthen The Whole Body!

The key to achieving your dream figure, but also to maintaining your health, is regular exercise. They stimulate the entire body to burn fat more efficiently, force the places where it accumulates to work, and generally improve health and our appearance.
PLANK exercise - strengthen the whole body!

The plank exercise develops and tones different parts of our body – from the legs to the buttocks, back and stomach.

Often due to lack of time, numerous duties or simply a reluctance to exercise, many people forget that regular exercise is the key to staying healthy for years.

Today we have a solution for that! Have you ever heard the name plank exercise ? If not, in the following article you will find out what is meant by this mysterious concept.

Plank – what is it?

There is hope for all those who are so busy that they don’t have time to be physically active! Exercise which day by day thanks to its effectiveness is becoming more and more popular all over the world.

It will help you lose weight, keep your body in shape and stay healthy. Plank mainly focuses on working the abdomen, but also forces other muscle groups to work.

A little willpower and consistency are all it takes to see the results of a plank. The essence of this physical activity is to perform it regularly every day for at least a few minutes.

It is not an easy task. Planking is all about keeping your entire body weight on your forearms and the tips of your toes.

However, thanks to such a few-minute training, we will strengthen the back, legs, buttocks, arms, develop a flat stomach and reduce the visibility of nightmarish cellulite.

What is the plank exercise?

Plank is a static exercise where you maintain a specific body position for a certain amount of time without making any extra movements.

A woman is doing a plank exercise

To perform the exercise, lie on your stomach on a mat or the floor, bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle, keeping them in line with your shoulders. The body should form a straight line from the top of the head to the heels, and rest only on the forearms and toes.

After taking this position , tighten your abdominal muscles and never relax them. The hips should be kept high and you should stay in this position for a few minutes.

  • Feet and legs – should be straight and put together, otherwise the pressure on the abdominal muscles is less, as well as on the lumbar spine.
  • Buttocks  – Stretch and work until the exercise is finished. Plank specifically activates the muscles of the lower torso and legs
  • Lower back – This point is very important if you want to do the exercise correctly. Keep your lower back straight. This means that it should not be bent in or out at any time.
  • Abdomen – During exercise, your abdominals should be tense all the time, but breathing is even and calm.
  • elbows  – they should form one line with the shoulders, this way they will not be loaded unnecessarily

Tips for beginners

The purpose of planking is to hold this position for as long as possible. It is not easy, but the benefits and effects are amazing.

If you are not used to this type of exercise, you can start practicing with 10-15 seconds, and as you gain strength and exercise regularly, it may take up to 2 minutes.

The couple do a plank

Then rest for 2 minutes and repeat the exercise five times.

If you’re new to planking, don’t try to set a world record first. Remember to extend the exercise time gradually and do it regularly. Otherwise, you can overload your muscles and lose your motivation.

The benefits of planking

  • Firm buttocks  – this exercise is great for the buttocks and legs. Thanks to this, you will improve their appearance and even reduce the visibility of cellulite.
  • Strong back – strengthens the muscles of the back, shoulders and neck at the same time. Therefore, plank is often recommended to reduce the likelihood of developing neck or lumbar spine osteochondrosis. In addition, the exercise has a relaxing effect on the back.
  • Muscular legs – a slight burning sensation in the legs is possible during exercise. Don’t worry about it, it is a sign that you are doing it correctly.
  • Flat stomach – This position forces the lower and lateral parts of the stomach to work.

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