Pork Skin – Can Eating It Be Risky For The Body?

Pork skin contains fats and proteins of high biological value, but is most often eaten fried, which increases the percentage of trans lipids in the final product.
Pork skin - can eating it be risky for the body?

Pork skin is a food often eaten in many rural towns. Although it is true that its consumption in cities is not common, it is a product with an interesting nutritional value. It is also often found in eastern markets, where it is a great delicacy.

It is clear that people use virtually everything from a pork fattening pig. Depending on the culture, the consumption of these or other parts is more frequent, but even the offal is fit for human consumption. Although it should be noted that not all components of this animal are of the same quality.

How is pork skin prepared?

Pork skin is usually fried. Most often it is prepared in a pot of fat and blended until it forms a crispy crust. For many, it is a delicacy, known from a culinary point of view as chicharrĂ³n, i.e. crispy pork rind.

After preparation, the pork rind can be served as a single dish or as an addition to other types of dishes. It is eaten as an appetizer, although it can also be used as a snack between meals. Of course, this is food with a large dose of energy.

Nutritional values

As we mentioned, this food is distinguished by its high caloric content due to the method of processing which the pork skin is subjected to. There are 544 kilocalories for every 100 grams of the product.

We have to be careful about this aspect because an imbalance in the energy balance causes weight gain. And as has been repeatedly shown, it has a negative effect on overall health.

From the macronutrient point of view, pork skin has a significant fat concentration of 31 grams per 100 grams of product. Likewise important is the protein content with high biological value, which is 61 grams per 100 grams of food.

As for the micronutrients contained in pork skins, it is worth highlighting the content of vitamins A and B. As well as the concentration of calcium, magnesium and iron.

Pigs in breeding
Pork skins are used in gastronomy to prepare cracklings or crunchy snacks, products with high energy value.

Health Benefits Of Pork Skin In The Diet

Below, we’ll discuss the possible health benefits of consuming pork skin, as well as the science’s position on it.

Less risk of anemia

Anemia is a pathology that can develop as a result of iron deficiency. It causes symptoms of chronic fatigue related to ineffective oxygen supply at the cellular level.

Regular consumption of this mineral reduces the risk of developing the disease, according to a study published in The Medical Clinics of North America.

Better muscle condition

The proteins provided by the pork skin are of high biological value and good digestibility. Both properties guarantee the quality of the protein, which becomes particularly useful for maintaining the proper condition of muscles and lean tissue.

Thus, the consumption of pork skin can contribute to the development of hypertrophic processes or muscle repair.

Possible dangers

The greatest risk of introducing this product into the diet is related to the way it is prepared. While the consumption of saturated fat and dietary cholesterol is not a significant health problem, trans lipids are not .

It should be taken into account that pork skin is almost always eaten fried, which causes the spatial distribution of the fats to change from the cis to the trans configuration. According to a study published in the journal Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome , regular intake of these nutrients is associated with an increased risk of developing chronic disease. Trans fatty acids have a special ability to intensify inflammatory processes in the body.

The popularity of pork skins in the keto diet

It is true that pork skin is a food that is commonly found in many types of ketogenic diets. This is due to its high nutritional density.

It is able to provide large amounts of protein with high biological value, as well as monounsaturated fats and essential micronutrients.

Its composition makes it a product that easily generates a feeling of satiety, so it can help maintain various eating patterns. However, its consumption is not free from the risks associated mainly with the cooking method, especially in the medium term.

The ketogenic diet, known as keto, includes pork skin, which generates a feeling of fullness and provides proteins with high biological value.

How should pork skin be consumed?

As already mentioned, frying pork rind is not recommended and even harms your health. However, there are other, alternative cooking methods that make this ingredient safer. We are talking, for example, about boiling in water.

True, cooking does not give the effect of a crispy and appetizing crust surface, but it is much more suitable for health. You can also find some recipes that recommend stewing this product or cooking it at low temperature, resulting in a dish of much higher quality.

Pork skin: food with high nutritional density

As we have seen, in some populations pork skin is a very common food product, even though it is rarely found in the diets of Western city dwellers. However, it is a product with high nutritional density, providing proteins with high biological value and fats.

In any case, in order to make the best use of it for our health, it is better to choose a less aggressive method of preparation, other than frying. In this way, you will be able to enjoy the final dish with a lower percentage of trans fatty acids.

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