Potato Peel – 4 Medications You Shouldn’t Miss

Did you know that potato peel has many nutrients that you can use for medicinal and cosmetic purposes to take care of your health both internally and externally?
Potato peel - 4 remedies you shouldn't miss

Have you ever heard that by bringing to the boil or cooking certain vegetables, tubers, or vegetables without skin, they can diminish their properties? That’s true. And that’s not all: the raw peel of some foods is also very beneficial for our health. These are the salutary properties of a potato peel and that is why it is used in the preparation of many home remedies.

Before reading the rest of this article, we advise you to bring a pencil and paper as you will find homemade recipes for remedies that you shouldn’t miss. The main ingredient is very easy to come by and very cheap too: the potato peel .

Potato peel – what properties it has

Potato peel contains calcium, potassium, thiamine, vitamin C, iron and dietary fiber. The latter help lower the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body, which is beneficial for those at risk of cardiovascular disease.

It has antibacterial, healing and antioxidant properties, and also supports the elimination of toxins. Thus, potato peel is used to treat diabetes, lower blood pressure, heal wounds, or regulate intestinal peristalsis, if only to name a few benefits.


At the cosmetic level, it provides a plethora of benefits for the hair and skin. It helps to eliminate dandruff as well as darkens and strengthens the hair and gives it shine. In addition, it eliminates dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. Lastly, it also helps treat oily and acne prone skin.

Potato peel in home remedies

1. Potato tea to improve circulation and reduce inflammation


  • 2 potatoes
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)


  • First, wash the potatoes very well to make sure there are no traces of dirt in the peel.
  • Pour the water into the pot and bring it to a boil. Then add the two potatoes and cook the mixture until the tubers are soft.
  • Then turn off the heat and drink the resulting decoction once or twice a day. You can chill it in case you want to drink it cold, although you can also drink the potato tea warm. Consume it every day until the inflammation goes away.

2. Potato peel for dandruff


  • Skins from 4 kg of potatoes
  • 20 drops of iodine (14 ml)
  • The juice of 2 lemons
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)


  • Heat the water in a pot, and when it reaches boiling point, add the potato skins. Let them boil for 15 minutes, then remove from heat and strain the mixture.
  • Once it has cooled down slightly, add iodine and lemon juice. Then pour the mixture into a bottle and keep it tightly closed.
  • You can apply this mixture to your hair after washing it as usual. Repeat the procedure every time you wash your hair until the dandruff is gone.

3. Potato water for kidney stones


  • 5 potatoes
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)


  • Wash and scrub the potatoes very well to remove even the smallest particles of soil. Take a container or pot and pour a liter of water into it.
  • Then add the potatoes and let them soak overnight.
  • The next day, take the potatoes out of the water and drink the resulting liquid 3 times a day or whenever you feel thirsty. This will produce a diuretic effect that will help eliminate kidney stones.

4. A mask that will soothe discoloration on the skin


  • 2 cups of milk (500 ml)
  • 1 cup of plain yogurt (200 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric (5 g)
  • Clean peel from 5 potatoes
Potato peel for discoloration


  • Pour the milk into the bowl and then add the potato skins. Let them soak for two hours.
  • After the indicated time has elapsed, add a little yogurt and mix well. Then leave the mixture on overnight.
  • The next morning, add a teaspoon of turmeric and mix again. Apply the resulting cream to the skin and let it act for half an hour. Then rinse very well. Repeat the application at least three times a week.

Take advantage of the benefits of potato peel for health and beauty. Do not throw away the peel of the potato the next time you prepare these tubers for a meal.

Thanks to these simple recipes, you can enjoy good health and detoxify your body, as well as take care of beautiful skin or hair. All you need to do is apply the recommended potato skin remedies frequently. Remember that the success of all treatments is based on persistence and discipline.

Of course, these home remedies should not be used as substitutes for medical treatments prescribed by a specialist. However, they can be a good supplement that will help you feel better or eliminate nagging symptoms faster.

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