Proper Pain Management After Loss Is Crucial To Keep Going

Proper pain management after a loss is essential to keep going

What is proper pain management ? The death of a loved one or the end of a relationship are situations that deserve emotional closure. Not coping well with pain can leave us stagnant and cause more problems

Both in the event of the end of a relationship and the death of a loved one, it is necessary to take time to heal wounds. To do this, proper pain management is key .

Pain is the process of emotional adaptation that occurs after loss. This includes facing the fact that we will not see the person again and accepting that it is a process that takes time.

Knowing how to deal with pain will help you get through the process successfully. Today we will tell you how to deal with pain well.

Pain stages

The woman behind the broken glass.

To manage pain well, you need to be mindful of the stages you are going through. It is not worth avoiding one of them or stopping at one because you are afraid of the next. If you want to go on, you have to learn to open and close each stage until the end.

  1. Negation. We refuse to acknowledge the death of a loved one or end the relationship. In this way, we avoid feeling real pain.
  2. Anger. Reality weighs down on us and hits us with all its might, making us angry at every situation. We can look for someone to blame and hold responsible for the situation.
  3. Hope. After all, we have little hope that we will see the person again or that we will mend any broken ties (give the relationship a second chance).
  4. 4 . Sorrow. However, reality is catching up with us. Then we realize that there is no hope. It causes deep sadness.
  5. Acceptance. Once we cry out and release all our sadness, we embrace reality and accept what happened. This allows us to move forward.

Each stage has its justification. However, if you stop at one stage and obstruct your natural flow to the next, you are likely to have more problems.

Fear and insecurity are our worst enemies

Woman in the rain.

Fear and uncertainty are two emotions that can stop the mourning process. This is because wanting to be in control of the situation and not losing everything you’ve been working on so far can lead to spending too much time in the anger stage (for example).

The desire to look for the culprits or to see only the wrong side of any situation can make you feel like a victim of circumstances. Likewise, cultivating your hope for no reason because you fear loneliness can keep you from living because you will only ever be waiting.

You also need to be very careful about sadness: at this stage, you need to allow yourself to cry and express your feelings. If you don’t, depression may knock on your door.

Appropriate pain management.

Appropriate pain management starts with managing your emotions

Usually, no one has taught us how to manage our emotions. For this reason, we often don’t express what we’re feeling, which causes us to “explode” at the worst possible time. We also don’t cry when we need to, which in turn can lead to depression.

Knowing how to deal with your fears, face our insecurity, and know that we are trying to avoid pain can be extremely enriching. By doing this, you will know when it is time to move on to the next stage of mourning, and you will have no reason to be afraid.

Sooner or later the next step will come, but it’s up to you to decide whether or not to stay temporarily at the previous stage. You may be sad for several months or you may find yourself depressed that lasts for years because you have not been able to manage your pain well, allowing it to influence your emotions and even your well-being.

You decide

Open your eyes, be critical, and ask yourself lots of questions. Seek professional help to guide you through the process. Certainly, such support will be very much needed.

“Sorrow does not change you, it reveals the real you.”

-John Green-

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