Protecting Your Hair From The Sun – Some Good Advice

Proper hydration of the hair is the key to keeping it in good condition during periods of high exposure to harmful UV radiation.
Protecting your hair from the sun - some good tips

Holidays, heat, sun… Remember that protecting your hair from the sun is as important as protecting your skin from harmful UV radiation. If you want to enjoy beautiful and healthy strands, you need to take care of them properly all year round!

Scientists, doctors and specialists are increasingly warning against the harmful effects of the sun on our body. Hence, it is not recommended to sunbathe without first applying a cream with a high UV filter. Proper protection helps to reduce the damage caused by free radicals.

Usually, however, we focus on the skin and skip the hair completely. And they too deserve careful care. Well, protecting your hair from the sun is also very important. Long-term contact with the sun’s rays results in damage to the hair structure, dulling, fading or excessive hair loss.

How to take care of your hair on warm sunny days? Just follow a few tips and your strands will not be hurt. Here are our tips!

Inappropriate protection of hair from the sun – effects

Probably each of us is well aware that hair is the frame of our face. They not only add beauty to us, but can also tell us a lot about our personality. Hence, it is so important to properly care for them so that they are beautiful and, above all, healthy.

Many people, from spring to autumn, complain about their strands: they are dry, lack shine and vitality, they are unruly to style, and the ends are easily split.

This is how improper protection of hair from the sun manifests itself. We are still used to the fact that our hair only suffers when we are on vacation, when we bask for days on the beach and bathe in salt water. Unfortunately, due to the lack of proper care habits, we abuse our hair every day, almost all year round.

In addition, we add shampoos and hair conditioners packed with chemicals, warm air dryers, frequent use of curling irons and straighteners, dyeing … It is not surprising that sooner or later, instead of shiny hair, we have an unsightly “shed” on our head.

Protecting your hair from the sun – tips

It is enough to change your daily habits to notice a significant improvement in the condition of your hair in a short time. Do not spend a fortune on expensive cosmetics or hairdressing treatments, but reach for the gifts of nature. The effects will be just as spectacular!

1. Jojoba oil and tangerine – create your own cosmetic that protects your hair against UV rays

Without a doubt, the best way to protect your hair from the sun is to prevent any kind of damage. Therefore, we encourage you to prepare a natural protective agent based on two ingredients that are completely safe for the strands.

Mandarin oil - protecting hair from the sun

The first one is jojoba oil, which perfectly nourishes the hair along its entire length. What’s more, it has a texture similar to the sebum secreted by our body, so it does not overburden the hair or make it look oily.

The second component is mandarin oil. In addition to the appetizing and pleasant aroma of citrus, it provides our hair with shine and revitalizes the strands down to their ends.

Ingredients for protective oil

  • 4 tablespoons of jojoba oil (60 ml)
  • 10 drops of mandarin essential oil

Preparation and application

  • Mix both oils thoroughly.
  • You can use them in their pure form or dilute them with water (100 ml) to help spread the mixture on your hair.
  • Pour the cosmetic into a spray bottle and apply to the strands.
  • You can also apply a little of the product on your hand and rub it into your hair (comb it with your fingers several times).

2. A hat is the basis!

A well-chosen summer headdress is a great addition to everyday outfits. Remember that a hat with a large brim is not only for beaches – you can easily put it on for a walk around the city or during a weekend getaway.

Another highly recommended method of protecting not only your hair but also other parts of your body from UV radiation is under an umbrella. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight, taking shade whenever possible.

Also, remember not to go out in the sun in the afternoon hours, when the rays are the strongest and the most harmful to our body.

3. Be careful with water

In summer, the sun is not the only enemy of our hair. You should also use preventive methods when swimming in the sea or swimming pool. Both salt and chlorinated water have a very negative effect on the condition of our strands. In many cases, they can cause even more damage than when exposed to the sun.

To prevent damage to your hair, rinse your hair thoroughly with fresh water after each swim in the sea or swimming pool. In this way, we will remove salt, chlorine and any other substances that may adversely affect the condition of our hairstyle.

4. Homemade regenerating mask

After returning home, apply a homemade mask to your hair that will undo possible damage to the hair structure and nourish and deeply moisturize it.

The woman runs her fingers through her hair

It should be used before washing your hair. When dry, our strands are more susceptible to the absorption of nutrients.

Ingredients for the mask

  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (30 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (15 ml)

Preparation and application

  • Thoroughly mix all three ingredients together. If you want the texture of the mask to be a little lighter, you can add one or two tablespoons of water.
  • Then, apply the mask to dry hair and leave it for about half an hour so that the nutrients have time to penetrate as deeply as possible into their structure.
  • After the allotted time, rinse the mask with warm water and wash your hair.

5. Properly selected shampoo

Contrary to appearances, choosing a hair shampoo is a very serious matter. Many store-bought hair care products, instead of moisturizing, dry our strands. And this, combined with frequent sun exposure, can seriously damage the hair structure.

Proper protection of hair from the sun is not possible when you use shampoos containing, among others, sulphates and alcohol – these two ingredients excessively dry the strands and significantly weaken them. In summer, use shampoos for dry and damaged hair.

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