Raspberry Sauce – A Simple Homemade Recipe

We will teach you how to easily prepare raspberry sauce, as well as the benefits of this red fruit, so recommended by nutrition experts.
Raspberry sauce - a simple, homemade recipe

Raspberry sauce is a great option to complement both sweet and savory dishes. It is advisable to prepare it in full season for these fruits, as we will get a better end result. It should also be noted that this is a preparation that contains a large amount of nutrients.

It is worth mentioning that all experts agree on the need to include red fruit in our diet. Forest fruits contain large amounts of antioxidants and important nutrients.

If we include them as part of a balanced and varied diet, our health will improve. To achieve this, make your own raspberry sauce following our recipe!

Raspberry sauce recipe

Before we fully get into the recipe, we’ll comment on some of the nutritional properties of raspberries. It is a fruit that has anthocyanins in it. These nutrients act as pigments to provide a red tint. They are also able to neutralize the formation of free radicals, reducing the risk of getting sick.

These ingredients are effective in reducing the incidence of neurodegenerative diseases, according to a study published in the journal Antioxidants . Even as the disease progresses, significant consumption of these plant-based nutrients can delay its progression.

Raspberries also provide vitamin C. This element is necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system. According to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology, adequate vitamin C intake reduces the risk of developing respiratory diseases such as colds and flu.

Finally, we must not forget that raspberries are of particular benefit during pregnancy due to their folic acid content.

There is scientific evidence that it is necessary to increase the supply of this vitamin during pregnancy to avoid fetal malformations. In fact, supplementation is usually prescribed during this period. An additional contribution through the diet will give positive results.



  • 250 grams of fresh raspberries.
  • A quarter of a lemon.
  • 100 grams of sugar.
  • a little honey.

Raspberry sauce step by step

You need to start by pouring water into a saucepan to dissolve the sugar. To make a thick syrup easier, simmer the mixture to bring it to boiling point later. After bringing to the boil, lower the burner heat again and stir to form a syrup. When this happens, the saucepan is removed from the heat and allowed to cool to room temperature.

Now that the prepared syrup is hardened, it’s time to pour it into the blender container. Raspberries are washed with water to remove impurities, and then also thrown into the container.

It is important to blend for 2 or 3 minutes until you get a thick puree-like consistency. A little honey may be added at this point, although this is optional.

After the grinding process is complete, filter the puree through a porcelain or fine strainer to remove the seeds from the raspberries and obtain a much smoother result. The consistency must be smooth and not too thick.

Finally, add a few drops of lemon juice. Thanks to this technique, the raspberry sauce will be better resistant to oxidation in order to maintain its organoleptic properties for longer. You can add more juice if you like sour taste, but that’s personal. In the end, you have to mix everything very well until the ingredients combine well.

A bowl of raspberries

At this point, the raspberry sauce will be ready. It is advisable to store it in the refrigerator for proper preservation conditions. Keep it in a well-covered glass jar. It can stay in the refrigerator for several days without risk of spoilage.

This way, you get the perfect product to complement cakes, yoghurts, desserts and many other recipes. Even with some meats, it can go well together. However, remember that the quality of the selected raspberries will be of key importance. You can opt for frozen, although the result will not be so good.

Make a raspberry sauce to spice up your desserts

The raspberry sauce recipe is very simple to make. In addition, it provides a number of important antioxidants to help maintain good health. On the other hand, however, remember that this recipe contains added sugars, so it should be eaten in moderation.

It is best to introduce it to a varied and balanced diet. In this context, it works great in both sweet and salty dishes. Remember that you can vary the consistency by adding more or less water to achieve the effect according to your personal taste. If you prefer, you can even replace lemon juice with orange juice.

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