Reduce Stretch Marks! – 3 Natural Treatments

By including natural ingredients in our diet, you will make the treatments bring better results. When using them, you should be regular and take care of healthy habits every day.
Reduce stretch marks!  - 3 natural treatments

What are stretch marks ? These are marks or scars that appear on skin that is exposed to rapid stretching. Stretch marks can appear for reasons such as pregnancy, rapid weight gain, or taking medications that can disrupt the collagen formation process.

Stretch marks appear as parallel lines visible on the skin. They can be pinkish, shiny or pale. They are deep and have a structure different to that of the rest of the skin. Teenagers are among the people most exposed to this problem, but men are also affected by this problem, starting in adolescence.

Stretch marks do not in any way pose a threat to human health. Rather, they are seen as an aesthetic problem that is most often visible on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, among others. For this reason, people who develop stretch marks look for a variety of alternatives that would reduce them.

In response to this need, in this article we want to present you three natural ways to improve the condition of your skin as soon as you use them regularly.

Their decisive advantage is that they are really easy to prepare, they are economical compared to ready-made products available on the market and, above all, they are natural. So let’s go!

1. Treat stretch marks with vitamin E treatment

Vitamin E for stretch marks

Vitamin E is a very strong antioxidant that protects skin cells against the negative effects of free radicals. This vitamin is responsible for stopping the process of cell deterioration, which effectively delays the formation of wrinkles and other imperfections that appear with age.

The positive effects of vitamin E on the skin have been proven on many occasions. It has also been proven that this vitamin helps reduce scars, stretch marks and skin spots.


  • 2 capsules of vitamin E
  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon of chamomile extract (10 ml)


  • Pierce vitamin E capsules and mix them with lavender essential oil and chamomile extract in a glass container.

Usage method

  • Thoroughly clean the area where you want to apply the mixture. Then, apply the product on the skin while performing a gentle massage with circular movements.
  • Leave it on the skin for about 15 minutes and rub the skin occasionally to stimulate blood circulation.
  • Use this treatment three times a day, every day.

2. Treatment with aloe gel

Aloe gel treatment

The gel contained in aloe leaves is one of the best solutions for people with skin disorders. Aloe vera gel is well known for its moisturizing properties, which significantly contribute to the regeneration of parched skin.

In addition, the gel contains substances that reduce scars and stretch marks. Aloe is a rich source of vitamins C and E, which protect the skin against damage taking place at the cellular level, and also participate in the production of essential collagen.


  • 1 aloe leaf
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil (42 g)


  • Slice the aloe leaf and squeeze the gel out with a spoon.
  • Mix the resulting gel thoroughly with olive oil.

Usage method

  • Thoroughly clean the skin where the treatment is applied. Then, evenly distribute the mixture so that a thin, even layer is formed on the skin.
  • Leave it on for about half an hour and massage the skin periodically to stimulate blood circulation.
  • To achieve the desired results, use this treatment at least three times a week.

3. Cocoa butter treatment

Cocoa butter

The use of cocoa butter in the form of masks applied to the skin helps to give it the desired structure and improves its elasticity. The high content of saturated fatty acids and antioxidants stimulates cell regeneration, which results in the desired effect. As a result, the skin is rejuvenated and much healthier.

In the case of this treatment, we will additionally strengthen the effect by using vitamin E, beeswax and essential oils that effectively nourish the skin. As a result , you will achieve the expected results in a very short time.


  • 0.5 cups of cocoa butter (110g)
  • 1 tablespoon of cereal sprouts oil (14 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of oil with vitamin E (14g)
  • 1 teaspoon apricot kernel oil (14)
  • 2 teaspoons of beeswax (6g)


  • Place the cocoa butter in a heat-resistant dish and melt it in a water bath or in a microwave oven.
  • When it becomes liquid, add wheat germ, vitamin E and apricot kernel oils.
  • Then dissolve the previously crushed beeswax and mix it with the remaining ingredients.

Usage method

  • Take a particle of the anti-stretch mark cream prepared in this way and rub it into the skin with a gentle massage with circular movements.
  • Leave it on until the cream is absorbed into the skin and let it act overnight.
  • You can use the cream twice a day, every day.

Are you one of those people whose stretch marks take away their freedom and cause discomfort? So try the home and natural treatments presented in this article. Maintain regularity and see that stretch marks will soon start to diminish.

Also remember that the effects will take time to show up and that they are dependent on many factors, including eating habits and lifestyle.

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