Rosacea – Useful Recommendations

To alleviate the symptoms of rosacea, it is very important to follow a properly selected diet and take care of proper health habits. It is strongly recommended that you exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and avoid stressful situations.
Rosacea - useful recommendations

Rosacea is a disease that manifests itself primarily on the skin of the face. Interestingly, it most often affects people of European origin with fair skin. Rosacea is more common in women and manifests as redness on the cheeks, forehead or nose.

By reading this article, you will learn a bit more about it, as well as some natural home remedies that prove to be helpful in dealing with this condition.

Rosacea – characteristic features

As mentioned before, one of the signs of the disease is a general flushing of the face, but in some cases it also affects the neck and also the chest. However, if the redness also occurs in areas such as hairy skin or ears, it may be due to another condition.

Rosacea is also often characterized by other symptoms, such as:

  • Semi-permanent erythema.
  • Dilated blood vessels located shallowly in the skin.
  • Small red patches of skin and pimples.
  • Redness of the eyes.
  • A feeling of burning skin.
  • Feeling hot.
  • Itching.
  • Redness of the nose.
Red skin and rosacea

Reddened skin can occur in combination with acne or with seborrheic dermatitis, so they can be treated in a similar way.

It is also worth knowing that rosacea causes emotional problems in some people, such as a tendency to isolate themselves, a feeling of shame. It also leads to depression, a reduction in the quality of life, and the fact that the affected person is excluded from social life.

Rosacea – types

Erythematous – telangiectasia

The name is not as important here as the symptoms present in the presence of the disease. First , the patient’s skin acquires a persistent reddish tinge, blood vessels become visible, and itching or burning occurs.


Here too, the skin turns red, but this time it is associated with blemishes and pimples, which may contain pus and last up to four days. This type is very easy to confuse with ordinary acne.


And in this case, the disease causes reddening of the skin. In addition, you can observe lumps forming on the nose and skin, as well as growing bumps with an uneven surface.

Eye rosacea

As the name suggests, this type of disease affects the eyelids, ears, cheeks, forehead and chin the most. Shallow blood vessels become clearly visible. The eyes become dry, the lids are irritated and red, and there is a constant itching and burning sensation.

Rosacea – causes

  • Hereditary factors.
  • It occurs more often in people who blush easily.
  • It occurs especially in patients with a parasympathetic simple nervous system.
  • Emotional reasons, insecurity, low self-esteem.

Natural treatments

If you consider what natural medicine suggests, rosacea is not a disease. The problem is that as a result of the action of toxins in the body, tanning to cleanse “throws” toxic substances onto specific parts of our skin.

Following this path, it is not difficult to conclude that rosacea indicates an undefined problem inside our body. What can you do about it? A very good way to restore balance in the body is to use three factors: diet, healthy habits and a positive attitude.


First, focus on vegetables. Eat enough of them. Also remember about the wonderful effects of fresh fruit.

Both vegetables and fruits are a rich source of antioxidants that effectively help regenerate damaged cells in our body. You can also bet on dietary supplements that provide the right doses of vitamins and nutrients.

Directly speaking, make sure you eat carrots, spirulina (supplement), celery, alfalfa, and tomatoes on a regular basis. For example, you can combine all of these ingredients in a blender to create a tasty smoothie.

Garlic and onion


They are characterized by a high content of antioxidants, fungicidal, antibacterial and cleansing properties.

You could dissolve a clove of garlic in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it before breakfast, and another glass just before going to bed to improve the appearance and health of your skin.


Another very important factor, which we often know, but forget to use in practice, is to drink at least two liters of water each day. Since it is water that is the key ingredient that allows our skin to function well, we must not forget about it.

If the skin is dehydrated, it begins to dry out and becomes more prone to damage and various dermatological diseases.

Healthy habits

  • It is very important that you provide your body with an adequate dose of sleep. What does this mean in practice? An adult person should sleep 7 to 8 hours. Only then will the body be able to sufficiently regenerate and cleanse itself, which also applies to skin cells.
  • Also, be sure to exercise regularly. You should exercise two to three times a week. This will strengthen good blood circulation, and hence – oxidation of skin cells. It will become well-nourished, de-stressed and cleansed of anything that could lower the body’s immunity and provoke infections.
  • Try to avoid alcoholic drinks and drinks that are spicy or high in sugar. Of course, we also do not recommend the use of tobacco products.

Other healthy habits

  • Avoid exposing yourself to the sun’s UV radiation without a high-filter cream. After being in the sun, cover your face with tomato slices and aloe vera gel.
  • Use mild, non-perfumed soaps.
  • Avoid stress and tension.
  • Don’t move from cold to hot rooms (and vice versa).
  • Do not take over-the-counter medications, try to avoid taking them too often.
  • Avoid makeup products, foundations, and creams that contain alcohol.
  • Do not bathe in excessively hot water, and always dry your skin with a clean, soft towel.

To regulate your skin’s pH, you can use a green clay mask two to three times a week. This treatment supports skin regeneration and helps to eliminate dead cells from it. This can be especially helpful if you suffer from rosacea.

You’ll get quick results with this mask, but be sure to use a moisturizing cream afterwards.

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