Ruminations – Thoughts That Generate Fear And Anxiety

Ruminations are the kind of thoughts that come back to us over and over again. However, they remain unresolved. If we try to eliminate them, they are sabotaging our well-being.
Ruminations - thoughts that generate fear and anxiety

Ruminations are thoughts that can create a serious state of worry in us. This, in turn, can lead to anxiety and anxiety over time. But why is this the case? Where do these rumors come from ?

There are people who think much more about everything that happens to them. They think about what they said, what happened, how good or bad it was … They have a habit of analyzing everything.

It turns out, however, that rumors can focus not only on the past, but also on what is yet to happen. Unknown, unclear future, full of unknowns, doubts and beliefs about negative events that may happen to us.

Ruminations – recurring thoughts and their fallacious interpretations

If there is any common denominator that the rumors have in common, it is the fact that they lead us to completely wrong and wrong conclusions. For everything that we think about continuously and without respite is irrevocably full of various influences.

It is formed under the influence of our fears, deficiencies, needs and other disorders and deficits that live in us.

If we allow our happiness, satisfaction, and our ability to be influenced by other people, we will not be dominated by our own shortcomings. Ruminations will not have such power over us.

Question mark - man and doubts

We usually focus on others, on what they think about us, whether they like our behavior and what we are like. But the question is: where is the space for us? Where is the framework for our own opinions and views?

Such a mechanism leads to something we very much want to avoid: being rejected by our surroundings. We focus so much on everyone around us that whatever bad happens to us.

It turns out, however, that not all of them fail us. The person who disappoints us is ourselves.

Ruminations – thoughts that can kill you

The ruminations resemble a snake that swallows the tip of its tail. They seem to have no end, no exit, or no logical solution. The truth is, people who experience these thoughts show an inability to exercise a necessary skill: the ability to make decisions.

They don’t say what they think. And they don’t do what they would like to do. Why? Mainly out of fear. They know that every word and every act leads to some consequences. So instead of acting, they retreat into the depths of their thoughts. Thoughts that are actually eating them up inside.

Woman - rumination

Step by step, day by day, your anxiety will echo. He will surprise on every street corner, with a reflection in a mirror, he will show himself in anger, in a breakdown, in anything … Gradually he will take control over a man, taking the reins of his life from him.

If this phenomenon does not stop on time, if the person himself does not understand, there is a problem that needs to be solved as soon as possible. The snowball will gain in size and momentum. Even severe, deep depression can develop over time.

People affected by ruminations conduct true self-sabotage. Continuous, incessant, full of unconscious cruelty. It hurts their self-esteem. They never feel good enough.

Such people are, as it were, disconnected from themselves. They need other people to feel connected to their inner self. This, however, is never an effective and lasting solution. Ultimately, it only worsens the situation. It magnifies their demon they refuse to face.

Obsessions – it’s time to say goodbye to them

Ruminations are about more than just obsessions with a topic or situation that will lead us to behavior that we will later regret. For example, if we have doubts about our partner’s fidelity, and we keep thinking about it in our minds, anxiety and fear will take over over time.

This will lead to a situation in which we will start to control, what time the partner connects to social networks, when he leaves, when he writes SMS and other such behavior …

Woman - obsessions

Anything we ‘discover’ will make our false beliefs stronger, and it will become obsessive over time. All of this will lead us to do things that do not reflect our values.

That’s why it’s so important not to let yourself get carried away by the current of your thoughts. Many of them have no right to exist and are merely the fruit of our lack of self-confidence or self-esteem.

So what can we do?

We must learn to watch our thoughts without judging them, without looking for motives and causes. Just let them appear and then let them go.

Ruminations arise when we force ourselves to hold back these thoughts. They then take the form of an obsession.

The man and his thoughts

Thought can generate very physical malaise by affecting our body. Forcibly clinging to her, trying to understand her, and not letting her go can be the worst possible decision.

If you have an intrusive thought and it does not give you peace, make a decision. What’s in your head wants to tell you something, so act. Ruminating is the fruit of accumulation, enduring, silence and silence over everything that irritates you or makes you doubt, but you take no steps to do so.

If you keep these thoughts and leave them to yourself, you will feel very bad. When the body screams, it means it’s time for a change.

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