Rusty Jewelry – How To Restore It?

Does your favorite jewelry have traces of discoloration and rust? Learn about these home remedies for restoring your favorite ornaments.
Rusty jewelry - how to restore it?

Are your shelves filled with rusty jewelry that you don’t wear anymore? Give her a new lease of life by using these home remedies to remove dirt and rust. The results will surely surprise you positively!

Read on!

Does your favorite jewelry have rust marks? Or maybe you bought decorations in an antique store and want to give them a new life? Or maybe the jewelry cabinet has been flooded with water and the rings and necklaces seem damaged?

Calm down and take a deep breath as you will surely be able to refresh the ornament with a little skill and patience. In this article, we will share some tricks with you on how to clean rusty jewelry and give it a fresh and shiny look. You cant miss it!

Rusty jewelry – care

Take note of the tips we’ll share below so that your rusty jewelry can last much longer in great condition.

Rusty jewelry – cleaning tips

We know many home tricks that allow you to remove traces of rust from jewelry without resorting to chemical and highly abrasive (and often expensive) products. Read on to discover all the different ideas to keep your jewelry looking brand new without spending more!

1. Baking soda – a good cleaning agent

baking soda

A little baking soda will effectively clean heavy dirt and rust from antiques and ornaments.

It is one of those products you always have at home with countless uses. Baking soda is perfect for cleaning all kinds of surfaces, from greasy countertops to stains on clothes, and of course it can also be used to clean rusty jewelry!

Dampen a cloth (microfiber is best) and put some baking soda on it. Gently rub the jewelry, focusing on rusty and tarnished areas, rinse and dry well. Repeat this process as many times as necessary.

2. Toothpaste – a good cleanser and brightening agent

The paste not only refreshes your breath, but also removes stains from clothing and jewelry!

This old cleaning method works very well for ornaments and necklaces. Polish necklaces and other metal jewelery with toothpaste and a cloth. You can also use an old toothbrush that you don’t use anymore. Rinse with water and rub with a dry cloth to remove moisture and shine.

3. Aspirin – an effervescent stain removal agent


Aspirin, crushed on a plate with a little water, forms a paste ideal for cleaning rusty jewelry. The acid in this medicine can help dissolve stubborn rust on jewelery.

Prepare a glass of water and put two aspirin tablets in it. Immerse the jewelry in the bubbling mixture and let it sit for about 10 minutes. When you remove it, you can easily remove any remaining rust and debris.

4. Cola type drink

Coca-Cola is another great method for removing rust and heavy-to-remove stains. The process is quite simple. You should dip the jewelry in a glass of cola and wait a few to several minutes. Then empty the glass, rinse the jewelry under water and just gently polish each piece with a cloth.

Note: Do not use this recipe to clean gold or gold-plated jewelry as it may affect the appearance. Cola contains phosphoric acid which can damage the golden color.

5. Baking soda and vinegar – household cleaners

If the rust is very hardy, you can try mixing a little white vinegar with a teaspoon of baking soda in a bowl. When you start seeing bubbles, soak your jewelry for a few minutes. Take out the jewelry, rinse it with water, dry it with a cloth and voila!

Remember that imitation gold-plated jewelry should not be scrubbed. It is much more sensitive to scratching. Due to the thin layer of gold with which it is covered, it can be easily stripped of its color and brilliance.

To clean imitation gold-plated jewelery, wash it in lukewarm water with a little soap, or wipe it with a soft cotton or flannel cloth moistened with a solution of salt and lemon juice (half a teaspoon of salt for half a glass of lemon juice).

Imitation gold-plated jewelery should not be washed with coarse-grained pastes or cleaned with brushes.

Jewelry and decorations – how to prevent damage?


Jewelry can be affected by moisture, light, and chemical oxidation.

Now that your jewelry shines again without any signs of rust, you should start taking care of it properly! So that it does not darken and does not lose its shine, you can use a few simple preventive measures. This way you will prevent it from falling asleep again.

  • Avoid mixing accessories: it’s best to store them separately to extend their life and prevent rust.
  • Special jewelry sachets are usually a good solution.
  • Separate accessories by material: Store gold separately from gold, silver and silver and other jewelry separately to avoid damaging other accessories.
  • Avoid contact with salt water, soap, chlorine and other abrasive elements. You shouldn’t wear jewelry on the beach, and be sure to take it off while swimming.
  • Do not wear jewelry while exercising as sweat can affect the color of the jewelry and cause stains.
  • Make sure your jewelry does not come into contact with perfumes or creams so that they do not affect their appearance.
  • Store your jewelry in a cool, dark place to minimize the risk of oxidation.
  • Protect your jewelry with clear nail polish – rings, for example.

Don’t throw away your jewelry just because you’ve found a bit of rust on it. If you have discovered these stubborn stains, cleaning rusty jewelry is not that difficult. We hope you will find these tricks useful in the future and keep your jewelry looking like new!

However, if home remedies do not work, you can take the jewelry to a goldsmith or jeweler. Perhaps he will be able to restore her a second life, for example with a special jewelery bath.

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