Salt In Cleaning – 7 Uses

Did you know that salt is a great way to get rid of even the biggest dirt? Effectively absorbs fat and facilitates cleaning. 
Salt in cleaning - 7 uses

When it comes to cleaning, there are some nice tricks that can save you both time and money. One of them is table salt, present in every home  .

On the market, we have an infinite number of cleaning agents that make it easier for us to remove even the largest dirt. The problem is that most of them contain aggressive chemicals. They are not only harmful to the environment – they can also have a negative impact on our health.

Ecological cleaning enthusiasts share with us all kinds of tips and recipes that contain only natural ingredients. One of the most effective cleaners is  salt . In today’s article you will learn about its most interesting applications.

Salt is the way to get a dirty chopping board

Cutting board

One of the most contaminated elements in the kitchen is the cutting board. Made of wood, it absorbs moisture and other substances that create an ideal habitat for bacteria and fungi.

Salt is antibacterial and helps to get rid of microorganisms that affect our health.

How to clean the board with salt?

  • Sprinkle the board with a little salt and pour water or lemon juice over it. We brush.
  • We wait 5 minutes and rinse.
  • Repeat each time you use the plank.

Eliminates deodorant stains

Almost all deodorants leave behind white, unsightly stains on our clothes. To get rid of them, use the whitening properties of salt.

How to use salt?

  • Heat half a liter of water, add 4 tablespoons of salt and soak the fabric in the prepared preparation. Two hours will be enough.
  • You may have to repeat the process several times before you get the desired effect.

Hardened fat in the oven

Cleaning the oven

Stains from spilled fat, sauces, etc. make our oven a favorite place for bacteria. It’s not everything! Usually, this type of dirt is accompanied by an unpleasant smell. In this case, it is worth using salt.

What should i do?

  • Just wet a little salt and apply it on the stains.
  • Use a sponge or cloth to clean the oven.

We remove coffee stains from cups

The coffee is really delicious. The problem is that it leaves a discoloration behind. Use a little salt to wash the cups.

How to use salt?

  • We combine two tablespoons of salt with one tablespoon of vinegar. Use the prepared mixture and a sponge to clean dirty cups.
  • Now you just need to rinse with plenty of water and it’s ready!

Clean a dirty iron


The iron collects dirt and artificial compounds from synthetic fabrics that can damage your clothes. Use salt and the problem will go away immediately.

What should i do?

  • Put a fair amount of salt on the waxed paper. Heat the iron up and put it on top.
  • We leave it to cool down. When it’s cold, wipe it with a damp cloth.

The way to dirty metal

Certain items made of steel, gold and silver become dark and dull over time.

One of the most effective (and economical) ways is to use salt in combination with vinegar.

Usage method

  • We prepare a kind of paste: 3 tablespoons of salt and one tablespoon of vinegar. We brush.
  • Then just wipe gently with a cloth and you’re done. They will look like new.

A way to fix a clogged sink

Clogged sink

Most often we buy special agents which – due to the chemical compounds they contain – are extremely dangerous. We will avoid the problem by using table salt.

What should i do?

  • We dissolve 5 tablespoons of table salt in a liter of boiling water.
  • We pour the solution into the sink that we want to unclog.

As you can see, the salt has many useswhich have nothing to do with cooking. The next time you start cleaning with detergents, follow all of the above recommendations. You will be delighted!

Do you know any other uses of salt? Share them in the comments.

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