Sauerkraut – How To Prepare It At Home?

Sauerkraut - how to prepare it at home?

In addition to being a probiotic, sauerkraut is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, iron, and magnesium. Also, its taste is amazing.

Sauerkraut is a characteristic recipe of Central European cuisine, already known all over the world. It is a probiotic made from fermented cabbage.

Moreover, since preparing it at home is simple and inexpensive,  you can enjoy the benefits of probiotics in moments. In this article we will tell you how to make sauerkraut step by step.



In fact, sauerkraut is merely the result of fermenting cabbage leaves in salted water. This recipe is very easy.

Much more than a probiotic

Silage for stomach acheAs previously mentioned, sauerkraut is a product with probiotic properties. This means it contains live microorganisms that have many benefits for our digestive health, such as stimulating digestive enzymes and facilitating digestion. In addition, they strengthen the immunity of the intestinal mucosa.

While the most commonly studied types of probiotics are Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli (L. Casei, B. Bifidus, etc.), there are many other types that have yet to be thoroughly studied.

In addition, the properties of sauerkraut go beyond being a probiotic. Additionally, it contains vitamins C, B and K. Moreover, it is a source of iron and magnesium. It also contains antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin, important for eye health.

It is also high in sodium, so if you need to limit your intake,  we recommend that you refrain from consuming sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut – preparation


As we mentioned above, to prepare sauerkraut at home, you only need:

  • 1 green cabbage (you can also use red cabbage, but the traditional recipe is green cabbage)
  • Salt (15 grams of salt for every kilogram of cabbage). Table salt is not the best option. Choose sea salt.
  • 2 or 3 carrots (optional)

You will also need a glass container or jar to hold the sauerkraut.


Preparation of sauerkraut
A necessary step is to thoroughly crush the mixture to obtain cabbage juice.

Chop the vegetables

  • First, we wash the cabbage well. For the best fermentation,  only select leaves that are in good condition. Remove any black pieces from the leaves, remove the stem and the large white part of the heart.
  • Then cut the cabbage into very thin strips. You can weigh the cabbage to know how much salt you will need.
  • If you decide to add carrots as well, follow the same procedure. Take 2 carrots and wash them well removing the skin. Then cut them into thin strips and mix with the cabbage.

Add salt to make brine

  • Then divide the resulting cabbage into several parts and start with one of them. Put the first part in a bowl and sprinkle with salt.
  • Then, using a mortar or hand, squeeze or knead the cabbage vigorously for a few minutes. The goal is for the cabbage juice to accumulate at the bottom of the bowl. This juice or brine will help with fermentation later.
  • Then do the same with the next batch of cabbage: sprinkle with salt and knead. Until you’re done with all the cabbage.

Store in a pot

  • Then put the mixture in a glass jar. Press very well so that there is no air in the jar. The cabbage must be squeezed well.
  • At this point, the brine or juice should be enough to cover the cabbage in the jar. If you can not mix 3 tablespoons of salt in a liter of water and pour the cabbage in a jar.
  • Do not fill the glass jar to the top, just up to the neck.
  • Finally, close the jar tightly and let it ferment at room temperature in a dark place for 2 to 4 weeks.

Is this recipe easy? After a few weeks of fermentation, the sauerkraut is ready to eat.

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