Sciatica – 8 Ways To Fight Pain

Both heat and cold can be very beneficial in treating sciatica. In the case of cold compresses, ice should not be applied directly to the skin to avoid burns.

Sciatica  is a group of symptoms associated with a strain or pressure on the sciatic nerve (roots). The patient feels very severe pain which begins in the lumbar region and goes all the way to the back of one leg and even to the feet.

Sometimes this condition has nothing to do with the sciatic nerve, but due to the similarity in symptoms it is called  sciatica. Irritation of the sciatic nerve is caused by its contraction under the influence of excessive pressure. Therefore, sciatica appears as a consequence of the following ailments: spinal stenosis, damage to the neuromuscular system, fractures, tumors, pregnancy, etc.

If you experience root pain too often, take a look at 8 natural ways to fight them once and for all!

People who are familiar with sciatica know that the pain can be so intense that it makes it impossible to carry out everyday activities. And that’s not all. Sciatica brings with it hypersensitivity of the skin around the sciatic nerve as well as muscle weakness and less muscle reflexes.

Sciatica – 8 natural ways to fight pain

 1. Acupuncture

A recent study for the Chinese Natural Medicine Magazine found that out of 30 people who suffered from sciatica and underwent acupuncture, 17 were completely relieved of their pain, and the remaining 10 experienced great relief.

2. Yoga

In contrast, another study found that people with sciatic pain who had practiced yoga for more than 16 weeks saw a reduction in pain intensity by 64% and an improvement in mobility by 77%. Therefore, it is safe to say that it is worth doing yoga.

Yoga will let you relax and rest.

3. Massage

Massages are a great solution to relax your muscles and relieve pain in the roots. In this case, it’s best to use relaxing aromatic oils and focus on the areas where sciatica manifests itself. Keep in mind that by pressing too hard we can only aggravate the problem. Therefore, if you decide to have a massage, have it done by a professional.

4. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs

Whether natural or pharmacy, painkillers and anti-inflammatories can be really effective in relieving root pain. This type of therapy can relieve pain for 8 hours and can be used for 2 days.

Ginger and linseed infusion will also work great.

In the case of pharmacological agents, be careful about the number of tablets you take, as they often have undesirable side effects.

5. Hot compress

A hot water bottle or hot bath can be a great option. As well as a hot compress – where we have sciatica – we put the compress and leave it for 20 – 25 minutes.

6. Cold compress

It has been confirmed that ice packs can be very effective in fighting root pain. To make good use of all its properties, apply a compress to the lumbar region and leave it for 10 – 15 minutes. This type of therapy helps reduce inflammation and relieve pain, but only temporarily. Remember that we never put ice directly on the skin.

Ice cubes

7. Plants

Many plants have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. When sciatica attacks us, they are certainly extremely helpful. Among them we can mention:

  • Ginger.
  • Turmeric.
  • Pepper.
  • Riverside birch.
  • Wild lettuce.
  • Ordinary rue.

8. Exercises

Despite the fact that those patients who suffer from root pain can rest for up to two days, the best remedy for this type of ailments are physical and movement exercises aimed at strengthening the sciatic nerve.

If not given the right amount of exercise and physical activity, the muscles and structure of our spine begin to weaken and cannot do their job of supporting the back, which can make sciatica even more difficult to heal.

Exercises to relieve pain in the roots must always be preceded by a sufficient number of stretches, especially for those parts that are affected by the pain. It is also worth not to forget about aerobics. For example, walking – excellent exercise for lower back pain – low impact force and primarily affects the pain zone. It has similar effects to aerobics.

All exercises for pain in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve should be performed under the supervision of an expert. Performing them incorrectly can only aggravate the problem. Incorrect movement or an incorrect position during exercise can lead to serious injuries.

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