Shoulder Pain – How To Relieve It With Home Remedies

Anyone who has experienced pain in the shoulder joint knows how this condition makes it impossible to carry out everyday activities. There are natural ways to help relieve pain. The less we use pharmacological drugs, the better.
Shoulder pain - how to relieve it with home remedies

Shoulder pain can vary in nature. Regardless of what form it takes and what caused it – it makes our life difficult and does not allow us to function effectively.

The shoulder joint is a complex mechanism with a number of components – hence there are a whole host of causes that can cause this pain.  Shoulder joint ailments are common.

The most common causes are micro-loads, inflammations, or changes in the tissues surrounding the joint. The condition can become chronic and chronic if not treated in time.

First of all, stay calm. Shoulder joint diseases and shoulder pain are treatable, even with home remedies. Of course, there are cases where it is necessary to contact a doctor, e.g. when there are fractures or dislocations (dislocations).

The shoulder joint, as a complex mechanism, is susceptible to all kinds of injuries and, consequently, pain.

Shoulder pain – pathologies and causes

  • osteoarthritis (arthropathy)
  • arthritis
  • inflammation of the synovial bursitis, tendons and tendon sheaths
  • calcification of the shoulder joint
  • sub-shoulder tightness syndrome
male shoulder pain at the gym

In addition, there are also a number of diseases and problems that can lead to shoulder joint dysfunction:


Dislocation or dislocation occurs when the head of the humerus “jumps” out of the acetabulum, which may lead to chronic pain and a feeling of instability. An unstable shoulder can also lead to fractures and more serious dysfunctions.

The joint capsule acts as a pillow that reduces the friction between the muscles and bones. Frequent straining of the shoulder may lead to inflammation of the joint capsule, the consequence of which is the so-called Shoulder frozen.

The feeling of joint stiffness and radiating shoulder pain dominate. Discomfort occurs most often with simple activities such as the urge to scratch your back or brush your hair.

Shoulder tendinitis

Tendons consist of connective tissue fibers and have the function of binding muscles and bones. Tendinitis is usually caused by poor posture and improper exercise. It can also be associated with microtraumas.

Broken bones

Breaking a bone means breaking its continuity completely. The bone tissue is ruptured, usually by severe mechanical trauma.

However, it is not only a break in healthy bone tissue, it is also a periosteum tear, a haemorrhage, and damage to adjacent joints and muscles. It is accompanied by tremendous pain. Any fracture in the shoulder joint area can contribute to dysfunction for many years and cause shoulder pain.


It is the most common disease of the locomotor system and usually develops as a result of an impairment of the quality and quantity of the articular cartilage. The joint capsule, ligaments surrounding the joint, tendons and muscles are also at risk of dysfunction.

Osteoarthritis is associated with chronic pain and leads to a deterioration in quality of life. Increases the feeling of stiffness, lack of shock absorption in the joints, and inflammation.

Rheumatoid arthritis

It is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the joints. Its essence is the inflammatory process that begins inside the joint. In the case of the shoulder, the disease manifests itself as pain, swelling, redness and partial deformity.

Shoulder pain – how to prevent it

  • Don’t exceed your body’s capabilities! If you feel that the object or weight task you are carrying is beyond your physical abilities, ask for help. There is nothing to be ashamed of.
  • Be careful in the gym. There is a belief that by increasing weight – muscles will cope with greater challenges. However, everything has to be step by step, in its own individual time. Keep this in mind if you don’t want to hurt yourself.
  • Perform regular exercises adapted to you – this will help prevent sudden joint diseases.

Warming up is just as necessary as drinking water! Before you start working in the gym or any intense physical exertion – mobilize your muscles by warming up. Forgetting about it increases the risk of illness and damage to the locomotor system. Remember that you need to calm your body down by static stretching, also after exercise.

Natural remedies to relieve shoulder pain

There is no greater ally of our body – than natural remedies. However, remember that if the pain is chronic and stabbing – it is best to consult a specialist and perform a number of necessary tests to start treatment.

1. Rosemary for rheumatism and arthritis


  • ½ cup of rosemary leaves (100 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of clove oil (15 ml)
  • 1 cup of vegetable oil (250 ml)

Necessary accessories:

  • Bandage
  • Cotton swabs


  • Put all ingredients in a pot and heat it up.
  • When the infusion starts to boil, hold for 2 more minutes.
  • After this time – set aside for a few minutes.
  • Moisten cotton balls, spread them over the painful area and wrap them well with a bandage.
  • Leave the dressing on overnight.

2. Lemon for arthritis

For arthritic pain you experience, there is nothing better than the anti-inflammatory properties of lemon.


  • The juice of 5 lemons
  • Tablespoon of honey (25 g)


  • Combine the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Take it daily on an empty stomach until you notice significant improvement.

3. Menthol cream for shoulder pain and more

Turning to natural remedies, we can derive pleasure from making a home remedy by ourselves. An alternative to pharmacological substances will be to prepare your own menthol cream, which with the help of massages will soothe pain and discomfort. We will advise you on how to do it.

menthol cream


  • 1 cup of witch hazel (200 g)
  • 4 tablespoons of lanolin (60 ml)
  • 6 tablespoons of menthol (90 ml)


  • Combine all ingredients in a water bath until you get a thick paste.
  • Set aside and wait for the preparation to cool down.
  • When the remedy is ready, gently massage it into the painful area in a circular motion.
  • Leave it on all night.

While shoulder pain leads to great discomfort, it often lasts for weeks and leaves no hope of improvement – remember that you can avoid it – even with home  remedies . However, it is important to pay attention to the causes of this disease and not to underestimate them. Whoever asks does not err, and specialist diagnosis has not hurt anyone yet.

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