Simplicity – Makes Ordinary People Extraordinary

One of the basic things that we should keep in mind every day is the fact that very often less is better. Therefore, we should learn to prioritize – to decide what really matters. Simplicity in the way of thinking does not mean simplicity at all. This is a sign of humility and objective thinking.
Simplicity - makes ordinary people extraordinary

Simplicity is born at the bottom of our heart. He does not understand the intricate language of artificiality and conventions. Simplicity has to do with the willingness to respect others as we respect ourselves, while living happily and accepting what happens to us. Enjoying what we have sincerely. No matter how little it is.

We must openly admit that in our daily, rushed life, we are not used to the uncomplicated and humble gestures that simplicity brings.

It is very common for us humans to make big plans, ambitious dreams, make bold gestures and make “sweeping” decisions. All of this is very far from the idea of ​​modesty and simplicity in mindset.

However, there are times in most people’s lives that there comes a moment when we find ourselves at a crossroads. We have to make decisions and – step by step – our outlook on life changes.

This is where we begin to peel off the many “layers” we have put on ourselves throughout our lives. We go back to the “essence” of ourselves, to our family, friends, to searching for roots and our origins. Simplicity begins to appear in our heart and we feel very comfortable with it.

Stop for a moment. Read this article.

Simplicity – a dimension so difficult to achieve

Simplicity has nothing to do with being a good or bad person. We are all well aware of the importance of nobility, showing respect, dignity and mutual good treatment.

A couple on a winter walk - the simplicity of life

It turns out, however, that simplicity is a slightly more complex and difficult-to-achieve state. It affects many areas of our life and influences them very much. Therefore, it deserves our attention.

Simplicity in the way of thinking

  • Simplicity of thinking does not mean simple reasoning. On the contrary, it is a wonderful ability to see things exactly as they are with complete objectivity.
  • Many people judge the conduct of others and the reality around them through the prism of their own beliefs and views. They boldly judge, evaluate, and label others by labeling them. On the other hand, people with a simple mindset see everything exactly as it is, accepting reality, even if it does not suit them.
  • Something as simple as perceiving reality objectively and honestly allows us to be tact and prudent in life. These are very healthy and desirable character traits that we should strive to cultivate in our daily relationships with others.


The gift of detachment in a toxic way

First, let’s establish what we mean by “clinging” here. Children, for example, naturally need to feel attached to their parents (and with reciprocity). In this way, they know that they are loved and that they can enjoy a sense of security in life.

A woman on a boat - peace and simplicity
  • Attachment is also needed in a relationship between two people. However, we are talking about a healthy attachment, not a toxic or constant control attachment.
  • People who are characterized by the simplicity we are discussing have a remarkable ability not to attach themselves to what is material. They do not feel the need to multiply the material things they have. They are also not possessive in relationships, they avoid attachment that would deprive other people of freedom and individual identity.
  • Simple people do not want to force their views on anyone, do not judge, discriminate or feel the need to control anyone or anything.

Internal consistency that enables us to enjoy the world and others

Getting to know yourself well, understanding your fears, fears and internal complexities, as well as knowing your virtues and limitations, is the first step on the way to self-acceptance.

Woman with a flower on her head
  • Believe it or not, very few people understand it. Self-acceptance is the first step to establishing valuable and rewarding relationships. 
  • Whoever accepts himself is able to accept others as they are. This, in turn, prevents him from expecting others to fill his void with themselves, to raise his self-esteem, and to dispel dark clouds of fear as joy disappears. For the source of acceptance will be in himself.
  • Simple and humble people do not expect anything from anyone. Instead, they expect a lot from themselves. In this way, they also have a lot to offer to others. They also spare themselves classic professions and disappointments resulting from unfulfilled hopes.

Simplicity – Find your own way to it!

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, it is very common that at some point in our lives we come to appreciate the importance of simplicity and modesty.

  • This is often because we feel overwhelmed by our lifestyle in this competitive world and a fast-paced work pattern that keeps us distant from what is most important – fulfillment, inner peace, friends, family and, of course, ourselves.
  • As simple as realizing that less is better can be a huge step towards setting priorities and realizing what really makes us happy.
  • It is in simple gestures that the secret of the authenticity of feelings and purity of the heart lies: a tender caress, a child’s smile, a deep conversation with a friend, a walk on the beach, a generous favor without waiting for a return – this is what counts in life.

Certainly, there is at least one person around you who is characterized by a simplicity of soul. It is unique and brings something special to your life. Don’t neglect your bond with that person. It is these people who are the light in the tunnel in this crazy and too complicated world. They are an example and inspiration for us.

Inner richness and simplicity are like a bright light that illuminates our path in this dark world. It’s worth not caring.

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