Six Reasons For Back Pain That You Haven’t Considered Yet

To maintain a healthy back, we must neither force it too much nor avoid physical activity altogether. The most important thing is to adjust the level of effort and exercise to your abilities.
Back pain - 6 possible causes

Back pain is a group of symptoms that causes pain along the length of the spine and reduces your ability to make certain movements.

This is a fairly common problem. According to research, about two-thirds of people complain of more or less severe back pain at some point .

Back pain – causes

In most cases, back pain results from progressive changes in the structure of the spine. These changes can also affect the entire skeleton and joints, including ligaments, muscles, intervertebral discs, and the vertebrae themselves.

One-off factors

Back pain can be caused by an injury, poor posture, or muscle weakness. Some people may feel this pain after strenuous exercise, such as in the gym or when carrying heavy loads.

Back pain in the lower part

Long-term factors

In some cases , back pain is the result of changes in the body that occur as a result of prolonged exposure to factors, such as being sedentary and neglecting exercise.

In such cases, pain may be felt almost constantly, and its treatment requires an analysis of a whole range of aspects of physical and sometimes mental health.

Risk factors

1. Stress and depression

According to many studies, back pain is often associated with stress, depression and anxiety disorders.

Sad woman
  • Although the immediate cause of pain is physical, it is rooted in psychological problems. Therefore, one of the first steps you should take to get rid of back pain is rest.
  • It is very important to get regular sleep and take breaks during the day to do something that gives you pleasure and helps you relax.

2. Age

With age, the human body wears out naturally, which also applies to the spine and joints. Therefore, back pain is much more common in the elderly who suffer from osteoarthritis or spinal stenosis.

Young people, on the other hand, are more likely to suffer from problems such as an intervertebral hernia or degenerative disease of the intervertebral discs.

3. Genetic factors

B Ol back may be genetically determined, especially in people who are already at a young age complain of back pain.

Some studies show that a mutated gene called carbohydrate sulfotransferase 3 (CHST3) may increase the risk of lumbar disc degeneration by 30%.

The woman at the computer

The results of these studies also suggest that if one of the parents carries the gene, there is a 50% chance that their child will also have it.

Therefore, it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid too much physical exertion. Carriers of this gene should completely eliminate weight lifting.

4. Work-related risks

The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that there is a link between musculoskeletal disorders and exercise while working.

Effortless activities are those involving heavy objects. This includes moving, pushing, or even using machines or tools.

However, back pain can also be caused by the number of repetitions of a certain activity, or the number of hours a person is normally exposed to such stress.

Keep in mind the recommendations for carrying heavy objects – keep them close to your body, keep your back in a straight line, and bend your knees instead of bending down. Perform these steps slowly, without making any sudden movements.

5. Sedentary lifestyle

Worldwide, physical inactivity is one of the major factors that increase the likelihood of illness and death as it gradually weakens the locomotor system.

It is very important to stay active as active muscles retain their functional capacity, as well as tendons and bones.

Neck pain

Otherwise, the biological structures weaken and are unable to protect the spine or provide stability to joints or ligaments. Weakened muscles increase the risk of the onset or persistence of pain.

While it is sometimes difficult to stay active, especially when you have to spend a lot of time sitting at work, even using stairs instead of an elevator or walking short distances instead of a car can increase your physical fitness.

6. Wrong posture

In addition to injuries, incorrect posture is one of the most common causes of back pain. When our body is in an unsuitable position for the spine for a long time, the back muscles begin to tense and are forced to exert too much effort to keep the body in balance.

As you stand, make sure your head, shoulders, hips, and ankles are in line.

When you are seated, your feet should rest on the floor and your knees should be bent at a right angle. Keep your back straight, against the back of the chair, and most of all, don’t slouch.

Avoid sudden movements as much as possible, especially those involving a twist of the waist, as they carry a risk of back injury.

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