Spirulina And Its Amazing Health Properties

Have you ever heard of something like spirulina? This amazing marine algae food supplement product is capable of providing tons of health, wellness and beauty benefits.
Spirulina and its amazing health benefits

Have you ever heard of something like spirulina? It was already used in the times of the ancient Maya and Aztecs. These peoples valued it primarily because of its food, but they were also able to appreciate it because of its health properties.

Currently, spirulina is one of the most valuable dietary supplements based only on natural ingredients, widely available on the market.

In this article, we will provide you with a lot of information about spirulina, an extremely powerful and valued ancient remedy that allows you to significantly improve your health.

Spirulina – what is it, where does it come from and what does it offer?

The Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés, in his chronicles on the conquest of Mexico, mentions a plant that floated on the surface of Lake Texcoco and was regularly harvested by the Aztecs.

The Indians dried it in the rays of the sun, and then baked it on flat stones and ate it. In the native language, it was called “tecuitlat”, which literally means “stone product”. The species of this plant lived only in water with a high mineral content and the right temperature.

spirulina powder

It’s about spirulina, of course. Interestingly, its use as a food product was also part of other cultures, it was known among others from the Kanenmbu tribe in the Lake Chad region.

In Europe, spirulina also occurs naturally. In Spain, it can be found, for example, in the Parque Nacional de Doñana national park in the Huelva region, more specifically on the surface of Lake Santa Olalla.

Spirulina, however, does not come from the Iberian Peninsula, it was brought there by Flemish settlers during their migration from North Africa.

In the last half of the 20th century, spirulina became widely used for commercial applications. Its beginning dates back to 1962.

It was then that it began to be cultivated in arid regions, where the salinity of groundwater and lakes was not suitable for traditional agriculture, but was an ideal habitat for spirulina and many other demanding plants.

algae or spirulina

Although spirulina was initially treated like algae, scientists quickly found it to be a prokaryotic organism.

The cells of this organism contain a characteristic central area called a nucleoid (which contains nucleic acid and genetic material) and an envelope (containing chlorophyll, cytoplasm, ribosomes, etc.). Spirulina, on the other hand, does not contain any organelles in its cells, so it is classified as an algae.

Today it is consumed in the form of capsules or powder. You can find it wherever dietary supplements are sold and in natural food stores.

Spirulina – its properties and nutritional values

These spiral-shaped cyanobacteria (hence the name “spirulina”) have a blue-green color due to their phycocyanin and chlorophyll content.

Spirulina is an amazing dietary supplement that primarily provides you with large amounts of protein for your body. Moreover, this protein is much easier to digest than the vast majority of other products. Spirulina is only 57% protein.

A great remedy for both health and beauty

Consuming spirulina has a huge impact on both your health and outward appearance. Let’s start with the fact that it is a valuable dietary supplement that slows down the aging process of cells.

In addition, it also contains numerous antioxidants such as beta-carotene. The content of this particular ingredient means that spirulina is great for improving visual acuity and overall eye health.

This plant also contains large amounts of iron. For this reason, it is a great product for people struggling with anemia and anemia, fatigue and mineral deficiencies. Professional athletes use it in order to achieve better results in competitions and during training.

spirulina - different colors

Its composition is relatively low in saturated fats and essential fatty acids, which is why it is an ideal food product for people who want to lose weight or eat better without disturbing the balance of minerals and nutrients in their bodies.

As if that were not enough, it’s worth knowing that spirulina has virtually no calories and even contains one of the amino acids that helps suppress the appetite.

Spirulina and its many health benefits

Although spirulina has many properties, it is best known for its ability to protect and regenerate both the liver and lungs. In addition, it helps with many other diseases, including:

  • effective elimination of toxins from the body,
  • strengthening the immune system,
  • regeneration of the intestinal flora (it works great in this case, because it helps in the natural formation of stool).

This plant also stimulates the production of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, which keeps the neurons in balance and improves the state of the central nervous system.

Thanks to the high content of vitamins, it helps the brain cells to function better (therefore it is an ideal solution before the difficult exam ahead).

tablets and powder

In addition, this extremely valuable aquatic organism has a very beneficial effect on the health of the cardiovascular system. It lowers the level of “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides as well as blood pressure.

Of course, this plant also has many other advantages that complement the above-mentioned qualities. Some of them include, but are not limited to:

  • prevention of osteoporosis during menopause,
  • help in reducing the causes and effects of insomnia,
  • elimination of symptoms related to rheumatoid arthritis,
  • treatment of unpleasant ailments in the form of buzzing or tinnitus,
  • correcting breathing,
  • disinfecting and accelerating the healing of ulcers, mouth ulcers or other damage to the lining of the mouth.

Spirulina and its many beauty benefits

The plant has a lot to offer for health, but it also has an extremely beneficial effect on beauty and overall appearance.

Spirulina provides a large amount of valuable minerals, vitamins and amino acids that help ensure proper hair growth and strengthen them, guaranteeing shine and excellent appearance.

So it is a great product for people struggling with the problem of hair loss and other inconveniences of this type.

What’s more, thanks to the properties described above, it also has a beneficial effect on delicate nails. It makes them not so brittle and prone to delamination. In addition, it allows you to achieve the effect of skin rejuvenation thanks to chlorophyll, linoleic acids and vitamin E.

How should you consume spirulina?

This dietary supplement can be found in various forms. The most popular of them are capsules and tablets, liquid spirulina and powdered spirulina. The recommended daily allowance for spirulina for adults is between 3 and 5 grams.

Contraindications and side effects

Of course, like any product with similar properties, spirulina also has some contraindications to its use. People with a urinary tract infection or hyperuricemia, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women, should avoid consuming it.

It can also, in rare cases, cause diarrhea, vomiting, allergic skin reactions and headaches. If you experience such side effects, stop consuming it and see your doctor about the causes of these complaints. Spirulina does not cause them by itself, but only strengthens them.

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