Stephen Hawking And His Message About Depression

Despite his medical condition, Hawking travels the world, teaches at universities and writes books. It is proof that you cannot give up and that anything is possible.
Stephen Hawking and his message on depression

Stephen Hawking, despite the obvious physical limitations associated with the disease, is a man of strength that many sane people can envy him. He never allowed his physical disability to limit his intellectual capacity.

Stephen Hawking  is one of the most eminent figures of the modern world, not only because of his numerous scientific successes, but also because of his extraordinary approach to life. Today we want to tell you what message this extraordinary man has for all people struggling with depression.

Who is Stephen Hawking?

Stephen Hawking was born on January 8, 1942 in Oxford. He is known in the world primarily as an outstanding physicist. Even as a child, he dreamed of a career as a mathematician, but eventually chose a career as a scientist for many different reasons.

Already in the first year of college, only twenty-one-year-old Hawking began to experience the first symptoms of the disease, or ALS.

ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, changed Stephen’s life once and for all. At the time when Stephen Hawking fell ill, doctors did not give him a chance of more than 2.5 years of age.

The man, however, did not give up and surprised everyone with his determination and will to live, in the meantime also becoming one of the most recognizable scientists in the world.

Despite his health, Hawking travels the world, teaches at universities and writes books. He shares his wisdom, not only scientific but also life wisdom, with millions of people.

He knows perfectly well not only how the universe works, but also how the human mind works. He recently gave a very interesting speech on depression, and we want to share that message today.

A message from Stephen Hawking to all those struggling with depression

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Stephen Hawking is 74 years old, but that doesn’t stop him from continuing to promote science and share many beautiful thoughts about life and the world with the world. He emphasizes that when he was diagnosed, the doctors gave him no chance, but later his life turned out to be a success story.

He has devoted his life to science and to finding answers to many questions about the cosmos. Hawking cannot speak or move. He is completely physically dependent on the wheelchair and the help of other people.

But despite everything, he found his way to communicate with the world and inspire millions of people in almost every corner of the globe.

In a January speech he gave to the Royal Institution in London, he compared depression to black holes. Thus, he emphasized that one cannot escape from any of these things.

Woman and butterflies

In turn, referring to his own disability, Stephen Hawking said:

Currently, Stephen Hawking inspires not only scientists around the world, but also ordinary people who struggle with various problems. Hawking believes that science is a great field for people with disabilities because it requires intellectual development without the need to involve the body.

Since you cannot work with your body, you can always develop your mind. The scientist also emphasizes that he would not have achieved so much success without the support of his relatives, friends or students.

“I think people are generally always willing to help, but you have to let them feel that their help is really needed and worth the effort.”

A woman with a star

Here’s what Lucy Hawking, Stephen’s daughter, says about her father:

In recent weeks, Stephen Hawking’s message to all people struggling with depression has spread around the world. His life proves that anything is possible. He himself is a symbol of his wisdom, strength and should be a model for other disabled people.

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