Stomach Pain – Popular Squeezing The Hole

Usually, the intensity of the pain is used to judge whether the condition is severe or not. However, if you notice that the pain in the fovea occurs regularly and is accompanied by the symptoms listed below, you should see a doctor immediately.
Stomach pain - popular squeezing in the dimple

Certainly, you have experienced pain in the upper part of the stomach more than once , i.e. the popular squeeze in the fovea. What’s causing it? Nerves or indigestion? In fact, there are many factors that can contribute to the occurrence of this unpleasant but very common ailment.

Below we explain the causes of pain in the upper part of the stomach and present some natural ways to alleviate it.

The causes of upper stomach pain

The tightness in the dimple is a disease that occurs much more often than we think. Statistics show that at least 30% of the population struggle with it. Moreover, pain in the upper part of the stomach is not considered a disease, but a minor abnormality of the digestive system.

Usually, the intensity of the pain is used to judge whether the condition is severe or not. However, if you notice that the pain in the fovea occurs regularly and is accompanied by the symptoms listed below, you should see a doctor immediately.

What causes pain in the dimple?

1. Nerves

Usually responsible for the pain in the upper part of the stomach are all kinds of anxiety or stress, which accumulate in the so-called the other brain, which is the stomach. Stress and emotional experiences are always concentrated in this part of the body, and the result can be indigestion, heartburn and even diarrhea.

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However, don’t panic if you experience these kinds of discomforts from time to time – most often it’s just a stress response. Regardless, it’s worth finding out how you can naturally help yourself when you have stomach ache.

2. Intestinal gases

Intestinal gas is another very common symptom associated with pain in the fovea. They can be caused by indigestion or certain specific foods. The gases usually concentrate in the upper part of the stomach, just below the ribs. They can put pressure on you to be so painful that they can make breathing difficult.

3. Heartburn

Reflux of stomach and heartburn usually end with pain in the upper stomach. Remember that it is completely normal for the acids to flow upwards and the pain to concentrate in the esophagus as well.

fire stomach smoking

4. Irritable bowel syndrome

Inflammation of the intestines and colon can also cause pain in the fovea. They fall within the scope of the so-called dyspeptic symptoms – that is, there is already some epigastric disease. If you suffer from diarrhea, constipation, frequent vomiting and severe pain, don’t hesitate and see a doctor as soon as possible.

5. Taking certain medications

If you take iron supplements or take ibuprofen frequently, chances are you will experience stomach pains.

They are accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and burning fire that can last up to several hours. Although it is not a health-threatening condition, it significantly impedes the normal functioning of the body on a daily basis.


6. Eating in a hurry

If this process is disturbed, stomach pains are almost inevitable.

7. Ulcers

Do you have a stomach ache when you eat certain foods, especially spicy or spicy foods ? And there is also a little blood in the vomiting? If the answer to this question is yes, see your doctor – you may have stomach ulcers.

stomach ulcers

 Natural remedies for pain in the fovea

  • Drinking anise or mint tea after each meal. These herbs perfectly improve digestion, soothe stomach pains and have a relaxing effect on the body. We recommend drinking up to three glasses of the infusion a day.
  • The infusion of ginger root soothes, relaxes, soothes pain and improves digestion. Drink it daily after main meals and you will see your discomfort slowly begin to subside.
  • Sage and chamomile – you surely know the benefits of these two plants for our body, especially our stomach and intestines. In addition, they are an excellent natural pain reliever and soothe inflammation. You can go ahead and drink even a liter of infusion a day – you will see that you will feel much better!
ginger water
  • Summer bath and stomach massage. Nothing can soothe your troubled nerves and tension caused by stress better than a lukewarm, relaxing bath. After leaving the bathtub, we recommend that you perform a gentle abdominal massage, especially in the upper abdomen, where the stomach is located.
  • For massage, use a tissue soaked in a mixture of a tablespoon of lavender oil with a tablespoon of almond oil. Gently massage with circular movements – relaxation guaranteed!
  • Remember to chew your food thoroughlycelebrate your meals without rushing. Also remember not to eat portions too generously. The best solution is 5 small meals a day, bearing in mind that breakfast and lunch are the most important of these.
  • The lightest thing, of course, should be dinner. In addition, do not forget to drink plenty of water every day.

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