Stretching Exercises – 9 Best Examples

If you are one of those people who stay in one position for too long due to the type of work, it is important to do some stretching exercises to prevent your muscles from slackening.
Top 9 stretching exercises

How do stretching exercises affect our well-being ? Physical activity is undoubtedly the best recipe for health. We often carry out exercises to improve the condition or increase muscle mass. However, we are forgetting about the most important ones.

Regular stretching, i.e.  Æ exercise  stretching is the key to maintenance of the mold. Today we will talk about all its benefits.

Stretching exercises for joint pain

Daily stretching exercises help us control the loss of muscle mass. So we become stronger and our tendons more flexible. In addition, the moisturizing capacity of the joints increases significantly, which usually decreases with physical inactivity and with age.

Muscle cramps

muscle cramps

Back muscle spasms

Stretching is a great way to avoid cramps.

Body posture pains

If a person spends a lot of time standing, some muscles become harder and stronger. However, other muscles weaken and lose their vitality. That’s why stretching exercises are so important. Do them regularly, especially if you stay in the same position for long hours.

We improve physical condition

March to improve your physical condition

But not only in these cases. All athletes resort to stretching to stimulate joint movements and prevent possible injuries.

We delay the aging process

For older people who want to improve their physical condition and stay fit, this type of exercise is the best solution. Over time, our body becomes less efficient, loses its natural strength, which drastically reduces our quality of life. Stretching exercises help to keep muscles and joints healthy and avoid many painful ailments.

Which stretching exercises are the best?

  • Forward stretch – We sit on the floor with straight legs, lean slightly forward. The back should be straight. In this position, we stretch not only the back muscles, but also the rear leg muscles.
  • Stretching the hamstring muscles – We sit down on the floor again. Roll the exercise mat into a roll and put one leg straight on it, and bend the other leg in such a way that the foot is adjacent to the straightened leg. We align the hips and try to touch the straightened foot with our hands. We hold the position for a few seconds.
  • Buttocks stretching  – We  sit down. We put one leg forward. We start to bend it at the knee, and at the same time straighten the other leg. The weight of the body should be felt on the side of the bent leg, and the stretching is felt there too.
  • Side Stretch: Sit cross-legged, raise your arm, and move it in the opposite direction along with your entire upper body. Place the other arm on your hip for a supportive point. We try not to raise our shoulders too much.
Continue stretching:
  • Back stretching: Roll up the exercise mat and place it in front of us. We crouch in front of the mat and stretch our arms towards it so that the head is between the shoulders. We hold this position for a few seconds. We feel our back stretching.
  • Back muscles stretching : lie on your back, on a mat folded in half. We hold the head with our hands. Bend your back to form an arch and keep your head on the floor all the time. We endure a few seconds and repeat the exercise.
  • Neck Muscle Stretch: In a sitting position, cross-legged, we clasp the fingers of both hands behind the head. Remember about the right distance between the chin and the chest. Slowly lower the head, stretching the back of the neck.
  • Quadriceps muscles of the thigh: We  sit on the floor. Bend one leg in such a way that it forms a right angle. Bend the other leg at the knee and move it backwards using a pillow or a rolled up mat. We grab the foot and try to slowly touch the buttock. Stretching should be felt, but not overly tense.
  • Neck Side Muscles Stretching: We sit cross-legged. With your right hand, grab your left ear and point your head towards the right shoulder. We stay in this position until we feel that the muscles are stretching properly. We repeat the exercise in the opposite way (with the left hand behind the right ear).

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