Stroke – How To Recognize The Symptoms?

By playing sports, you will not only prevent a stroke, but also help to improve the work of the heart and relieve stress, which often causes many diseases.
Stroke - How Do I Recognize the Symptoms?

Stroke is a condition that affects 15 million people worldwide every year. It is also the second most common cause of death among people over 60.

A stroke occurs when the blood supply is inhibited and ischemia occurs, and it is the blood that transports oxygen to the brain. In the case of hypoxia, this organ cannot function properly. Even if a stroke is not fatal, it can cause irreversible damage.

Fortunately, in many cases, a stroke can be detected early, and thus also its tragic consequences can be reduced.

Stroke and its symptoms

headaches caused by a stroke

The most common symptoms include:

  • sudden numbness or weakness in the face, leg or arm, most often affecting only one side of the body
  • difficulty speaking, understanding or concentrating
  • problems with coordination of movements
  • dizziness and difficulty moving
  • severe headaches, for no reason whatsoever
  • loss of sight

It is estimated that 88% of stroke cases are caused by a blood clot or embolism in an artery. In the remaining 12%, it is possible to speak of a bleeding caused by rupture of blood vessels.

The best way to treat this dangerous ailment is prophylaxis. In addition, you should lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid risk factors.

Stroke – prevention

While it cannot be prevented in some cases, it is helpful to know some tips to keep the likelihood of its occurrence as low as possible.

1. Regular blood pressure control

blood pressure measurement important in the prevention of stroke

The main risk factor is hypertension. The likelihood of developing the disease increases significantly because the heart and blood vessels are forced to work too hard to get enough oxygen to the brain.

2. Physical activity

Exercise is essential as it not only improves the overall condition of the body but also strengthens the heart and blood vessels, preventing congestion.

Remember that a daily walk is enough to maintain optimal health.

3. Quit smoking

The habit of smoking is one of the most common causes of stroke, especially if you started smoking as a teenager.

4. Regularly checking your cholesterol levels

regularly checking the level of sugar and cholesterol

Cholesterol and tobacco are two of the most common causes of blockages in blood vessels. Remember that inadequate blood flow can lead to hypoxia in the brain.

5. Lose a few pounds

Overweight and obesity increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, so try to maintain a proper weight!

6. Avoid stress

Being constantly under stress, both physically and mentally, means that you may develop a stroke at some point in your life.

7. Tantrums and overly strong emotions

notorious fatigue

Anger and other emotions create tension, which can also trigger a stroke. This is because the emotional state affects the nervous system and blood pressure. Remember to always be in control of your emotions.

8. Remember about diabetes

Cardiovascular problems related to type 2 diabetes increase the risk of developing cardiovascular problems, in particular hypertension.

9. Include Omega 3 fatty acids in your diet

Regular consumption of Omega 3 fatty acids lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Omega 3s are so-called healthy fats that lower cholesterol and triglycerides, prevent blockages in the veins, and improve blood flow.

By following the above tips, you will undoubtedly be able to enjoy a healthy heart and patent blood vessels.

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