Sugar You Don’t Know – Several Uses

Sugar You Don't Know - Several Uses

Over the past few years, sugar has gained a lot of negative feedback and opponents, but sometimes we forget that it has many more uses than just sweetening food and drinks. Here are some examples that may surprise you. Sugar and its use.

Sugar and its types?

You may find that refined sugar is the type of product that is sold the most. They are small white grains that are used to sweeten tea, coffee, cakes, etc. However, there are many other types of sugar, such as:

  • Plain sugar, table sugar: As we mentioned above, this is the most commonly used type of sugar that everyone knows, its grains are small to medium size.
  • Fine ground sugar: in many countries, such as Spain, for example, this type of sugar is not known at all, but there are various English recipes for sweets and desserts using this sugar as an ingredient. His crystals are very small.
  • Powdered sugar: This is regular sugar that has been ground down to a fine dust. It is used for cakes or candy sprinkles so that no crystals are visible.
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  • Cane sugar or pearl sugar: its grains are rounded and larger than traditional sugar. It is a popular variety in the countries of Northern and Central Europe. You can find it in Scandinavian and German bakeries. In addition, this magic ingredient is also added to Belgian waffles.
  • Crystal sugar: larger than the traditional grains found in any store, it is used to decorate or sweeten tea and coffee. It is almost always unevenly square in shape and one cube is treated like a pinch of sugar. It does not dissolve as easily as the granular version.
  • Invert sugar: Many people say that it does not fall into the same category as other sugar varieties because it fully lives up to its name. It does not only consist of sucrose, but is mixed with other types such as syrup. It is obtained by heating and is used in candy stores as it allows the products to stay fresh for longer, not allowing them to dry out.
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“It’s like a Pharmacist without sugar”

This old saying comes from the fact that pharmacists used sugar to treat various diseases and ailments as soon as they discovered its many benefits. Some say it was used to treat respiratory disorders and that it was great for treating injuries. Almost everyone agrees that sugar has many valuable healing properties.

If you mix sugar with plenty of water, you make a syrup that can be added to the herbs. This mixture will help you fight the flu, colds, etc. If you mix it with strong alcohol such as moonshine, it may be effective in treating fever.

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Pharmacists always had it at hand, because they did not want to use it in full right away … They often worked in the privacy of their own home. Thus, in an emergency, they could easily use their home pantry.

Alternative sugar uses that will surprise you

Calms the child down

If your little one is having trouble sleeping or is in pain, for example after receiving the vaccine in the first few months of life, we have a solution. Give your child a dose of sugar mixed with four portions of water just before immunization.

Heals Injuries

As mentioned earlier, sugar is used to kill bacteria that cause pain from injuries, cuts, and ulcers. It is enough to wipe the sick places with a handful of sugar and leave it for a while.

It soothes burns on the tongue

If you burn your tongue from drinking hot infusion, coffee, soup or sauce that you are just trying, suck on a sugar cube, additionally sprinkled with even ground sugar.

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It reduces the spiciness of the food

If you’re making a condiment or sauce and it’s too spicy, just add a teaspoon of sugar to it. Sugar can also be used when the prepared tomato dish is too acidic.

It exfoliates the epidermis

When you mix sugar with olive oil or almond oil, you have a wonderful remedy for exfoliating dead skin cells. You can use the preparation all over your body.

Increases the durability of the lipstick

One of the problems for us women is that our lipsticks don’t stay on our lips as long as we would like. They disappear under the influence of drinking, smoking, licking lips or warmly welcoming friends. To make the lipstick more durable on your lips, massage some sugar into your lips before applying lipstick. Wait a few minutes and then remove the sugar from the lips.

Cleans dirty hands

Sugar will work for people who come into contact with fatty substances or oils (for example, mechanics), or after painting the apartment. Just add a little sugar to the soap and wash your hands as usual until they are clean.

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It improves the look of your garden

Mix three tablespoons of sugar with two tablespoons of vinegar and a tablespoon of warm water. Use on debris around plants. The sugar nourishes the stalks, and the vinegar prevents the growth of bacteria.

Cleans the coffee machine

Pour a cup of sugar into the brewing unit for 3 minutes as if you were making coffee. Wash off with plenty of water.

Removes greasy stains

If your favorite clothing, blanket or curtains have greasy stains on them, make a paste of sugar and water and apply directly to the stains. Leave it for at least an hour, and then wash clothes and fabrics as usual.

Makes cakes and desserts stay fresh for longer

Place the sweets in an airtight container with a few sugar cubes so that they stay fresh for longer. You can do the same with grated cheese so that it does not harden quickly.

Were you familiar with these alternative uses of sugar?

Photos courtesy of Uwe Hermann, David Eccles, Betsy Weber, Jody Mcintyre, goodmami, Javcon 117, Joel Kramer.

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