Sunburned Face – Heal It With Natural Means

To heal a sunburned face, you can use natural remedies such as the ones we discuss in this article. However, there is no better treatment than good prevention.
Sunburned face - heal it with natural remedies

A sunburned face is a very common problem as soon as a little sunnier day begins. The condition usually appears within hours of overexposure. And it applies to both ultraviolet light from the sun and from artificial sources such as solar lamps.

Let’s see what symptoms indicate that a sunburned face needs help and how to provide this help.

Intensive and repeated exposure to the sun leads to sunburn on the face, which increases the risk of skin damage and certain diseases. They include:

  • Dry or wrinkled skin
  • Dark and rough spots.
  • Skin cancer.

To heal a sunburned face, you can use natural remedies such as those we will cover in detail in this article. However, there is no better treatment than good prevention. Therefore, sunscreen protection is the ideal solution if you need to be exposed to intense sunlight.

In addition, you should protect the skin on both sunny and cool or cloudy days. UV rays even reach through clouds, although not with the same intensity, but still penetrate the skin.

The influence of the sun on the appearance of skin cancer

The skin uses sunlight to produce vitamin D. Our body needs an adequate dose of this vitamin for bone formation and other processes. But sometimes ultraviolet rays can be harmful.

UV rays penetrate the outer layers of the skin and penetrate deeper layers, where they can damage or destroy skin cells. People who are low in melanin and sunburn very easily should protect themselves even more.

Therefore, especially they should limit the total time of exposure to the sun. In addition, you should also limit sun exposure, especially between 10 am and 5 pm.

Frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays for many years is the leading cause of skin cancer. For this reason, it is necessary to check and detect suspicious places or evolutions in existing moles or changes on the skin.

Early detection and treatment is a prerequisite for increasing skin cancer survival rates.

You have a sunburned face – use natural remedies

1. Watermelon and melon

Sunburned face - natural treatments
Watermelon and melon are highly moisturizing fruits that can refresh the skin after a burn.

If the damage has already been done and your face has unfortunately been burned by the sun, you can use two fruits: watermelon and melon. There is a natural soothing agent in them, which is what people say. In the case of watermelon, the peel is used to relieve pain after burns, as it has a strong moisturizing effect.

  • Before you apply the watermelon rind, wash the burn carefully with cold water and then gently place the watermelon rind slices over the affected area.
  • This effect is exacerbated if the rind of the watermelon still has some flesh. Then leave the compress on your face for about 15 minutes and wash the area again with cold water.

However, in the case of melons, the pulp has the most beneficial effect. Therefore, in order to heal a sunburned face, you need to remove all seeds from the inside of the fruit. After cleaning from the seeds, remove all the flesh and make a kind of paste out of it.

  • The pulp can be spread over the burned area with gauze and left in contact for about 10 minutes. Then remove the compress and wash your face with cold water.

2. Natural aloe vera gel for sunburned face

The gel in aloe vera leaves is filled with water and essential nutrients that stimulate cell repair to rebuild sunburned skin. Its properties counteract dryness and soothe irritation caused by burns.

  • You just need to cut open the leaf of this plant and extract the gel it contains. Then clean the affected area of ​​the face and apply a large amount of the product.
  • Wait for it to dry and remove any residue with a damp cloth. In case of a recent burn, apply the gel two or three times a day.

3. Chamomile infusion

Chamomile infusion
Chamomile infusion is a natural tonic that helps regenerate the skin from the aggressive effects of the sun’s UV rays.

Chamomile has numerous soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. Its properties are perfect to relieve your sunburned face from the itching caused by these changes.

  • To do this, prepare the infusion and let it cool down. Use a rag, towel or gauze, then soak the fabric in a cool infusion and apply to the affected area.


There are many natural treatments for a sunburned face, though we’ve only mentioned three of them in this article. However, the most important thing is to prevent this from happening. Sunburn and ultraviolet rays are a major risk factor for skin cancer, so there’s no excuse not to protect yourself from them.

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