Swelling And Its 8 Common Causes

Swelling can be caused by many factors. If you are in doubt about its cause, it’s best to see a doctor.
Swelling and its 8 common causes

Does your body experience uncomfortable swelling, but you don’t know what is causing it? Pay attention to it as swelling could be a sign of one of the eight problems below.

1. Dehydration and swelling

Dehydration may be one of the causes of fluid retention in the body, which causes swelling. This is because when we are mildly dehydrated, the body begins to accumulate fluid, especially in the ankles. In addition, the area of ​​the lower abdomen may slightly swell.

How to avoid it

To avoid this, you should drink at least 5 glasses of water a day (1.2 liters), avoid alcoholic beverages, and avoid coffee and carbonated drinks.

2. Fluid retention

Swelling can also be due to another cause – fluid retention due to excessive consumption of salty foods. You should therefore limit your salt consumption. The ideal dose is 5 g or one teaspoon.

If we consume more than this daily limit, because many foods contain salt, our body will retain fluids resulting in a general swelling and swelling of the body.

knee swelling

How to avoid it

We can deal with this problem quite easily. You just need to limit your salt intake. Also, remember that instead of salt, you can use many other spices to add flavor to your dishes.

3. Allergies

Swelling can also be the result of an allergy. If you notice that it is red and itchy, it is probably an allergic reaction.

How to avoid it

If you notice that the swelling around your neck and face is increasing drastically, you should see your doctor immediately. This problem can be controlled with some antihistamines.

4. Hormonal disorders

Regulate your hormones naturally. Hormonal disturbances can also cause swelling. This is another source of fluid retention in the body. If you notice that you are suffering from gas, swelling in your legs and you have gained weight, you most likely have problems with your hormones.

How to avoid it

The first thing you need to do is review your diet as it may not be suitable. Try to eat protein-rich foods. Also, try to limit your consumption of sweets, spicy and salty foods.

In any case, do not forget that it is recommended to visit an endocrinologist so that he can recommend appropriate treatment for you, if necessary.

5. Kidney disease

If you feel swollen, especially in the morning, and in very specific areas such as your face, it may be because of kidney problems. Other symptoms that may be associated with this type of condition include pain in the waist and changes in the color of the urine.

How to avoid it

  • First of all, you should take care of your diet.
  • If you sleep face down, try to sleep on your side, otherwise it may cause your face to swell. If the problem persists, don’t hesitate to see a nephrologist.

6. Heart disease

Swelling in places such as the legs or abdomen can be a sign of heart problems. If this is the problem, the chirping will be accompanied by significant chest pain, fatigue, and shallow breathing.

wrist pain and swelling

How to avoid it

Most likely you have a swollen heart. Talk to your doctor as soon as possible.

7. Medicines

Swelling can also be a consequence of taking certain medications. Medicines that can cause swelling include anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relievers, and oral contraceptives.

How to avoid it

If your medications are causing your swelling it’s best to talk to your doctor about it. You may be able to replace them with a similar remedy without the unpleasant side effects.

8. Your lifestyle

Sometimes the things that happen to us are simply the result of an unhealthy lifestyle. For example, if you spend the day in the same position, whether you are standing or sitting, you may notice swelling in your ankles and legs.

office work s swelling of the hands

How to avoid it

If you have a job that requires you to sit around all the time, it’s best to take short breaks every now and then and move around a bit. Try not to sit cross-legged, wear comfortable shoes and tights oppressing, to avoid swelling.

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