Test Your Anxiety Level

In order to make sure you stay healthy and stay positive in life, you should always be aware of the level of anxiety present in your life. Relax and take the test below and you will have the necessary information on this topic.
Test your anxiety level

Do you know your anxiety level ? Everyone suffers from anxiety at one point or another in their life, whether it is just a momentary anxiety or an attack of true anxiety for whatever reason.

No matter what your experience in this area is, you should always be aware of its impact on your daily activities.
Moreover, persistent, chronic anxiety can be chronic and extremely debilitating. So ask yourself: isn’t my anxiety level too high? To help you give the correct answer, we have prepared a special test. Try to do it to determine your anxiety level.

An anxiety test

Overall, you can find out quickly what your own anxiety level is with a simple test. In addition, it should always be remembered that physical symptoms, cognitive syndromes and deviations from standard types of behavior can indicate high levels of stress.

In general, anxiety can have many causes, including those of a strictly private nature. But at the same time, it is extremely important to be able to effectively manage this emotional state.

A scared woman

If your end result shows a high level of anxiety in your life, then you need to prioritize your health issues, make some lifestyle adjustments as a result, and most importantly start to think seriously about your health.

In addition, it is extremely important to take care of yourself, fully accept yourself as you are and engage in activities that bring you happiness and joy in any form. Let the rest of this article help you identify the changes you should make in your life.

You will need paper and something to write for.

1. Scale of cognitive symptoms

a) I have problems concentrating:

  1. Never (0 points)
  2. Sometimes (2 points)
  3. Often (3 points)
  4. Always (4 points)

b) I only see the negative sides of each situation and, as a result, expect the worst.

  1. Never (0 points)
  2. Sometimes (2 points)
  3. Often (3 points)
  4. Always (4 points)

c) I have memory lapses.

  1. Never (0 points)
  2. Sometimes (2 points)
  3. Often (3 points)
  4. Always (4 points)

d) Generally the glass is half empty.

  1. Never (0 points)
  2. Sometimes (2 points)
  3. Often (3 points)
  4. Always (4 points)

e) I have difficulty making decisions.

  1. Never (0 points)
  2. Sometimes (2 points)
  3. Often (3 points)
  4. Always (4 points)

2. Then the scale of behavioral symptoms

a) I eat to quell anxiety.

  1. Never (0 points)
  2. Sometimes (2 points)
  3. Often (3 points)
  4. Always (4 points)

b) I avoid situations that potentially increase my anxiety.

  1. Never (0 points)
  2. Sometimes (2 points)
  3. Often (3 points)
  4. Always (4 points)
    An image of fear

c) I have nervous tics, in other words, I move my foot, bite my nails or twist curls in my hair.

  1. Never (0 points)
  2. Sometimes (2 points)
  3. Often (3 points)
  4. Always (4 points)

d) I often let things go out of my hands.

  1. Never (0 points)
  2. Sometimes (2 points)
  3. Often (3 points)
  4. Always (4 points)

e) I have trouble falling asleep, I twist and drill.

  1. Never (0 points)
  2. Sometimes (2 points)
  3. Often (3 points)
  4. Always (4 points)

f) I cry a lot.

  1. Never (0 points)
  2. Sometimes (2 points)
  3. Often (3 points)
  4. Always (4 points)

3. Moreover, we cannot ignore the scale of physical symptoms

a) I feel anxious or tense.

  1. Never (0 points)
  2. Sometimes (2 points)
  3. Often (3 points)
  4. Always (4 points)

b) In general, I feel nervous all the time.

  1. Never (0 points)
  2. Sometimes (2 points)
  3. Often (3 points)
  4. Always (4 points)

c) I have tachycardia occasionally.

  1. Never (0 points)
  2. Sometimes (2 points)
  3. Often (3 points)
  4. Always (4 points)
Physical pain

d) I am so tired at the end of the day that I don’t know if I will be able to get out of bed the next morning.

  1. Never (0 points)
  2. Sometimes (2 points)
  3. Often (3 points)
  4. Always (4 points)

e) I can’t sleep, I don’t sleep well at night, and then I fall asleep standing up during the day.

  1. Never (0 points)
  2. Sometimes (2 points)
  3. Often (3 points)
  4. Always (4 points)

f) I have a headache, neck pain or backache every day.

  1. Never (0 points)
  2. Sometimes (2 points)
  3. Often (3 points)
  4. Always (4 points)

Then comes the interpretation of the results

0-18 points – Zero or minimal anxiety levels
It is possible that you may feel nervous at times in certain situations, but your responses to the anxiety triggering circumstances are normal and within the framework of healthy behavior. Good job!

The girl on the meadow

19-36 points – Low to moderate level of anxiety
Your anxiety level is still in the acceptable range, but you should start to watch out for it anyway, because even on a moderate level, you may already have problems with coping with your anxiety incorrectly.

In other words, nothing special is happening to you, but keep your eyes open so that you don’t allow yourself to lose out against stress or put yourself in a situation that raises your anxiety levels. Always try to control your emotions and keep them under control.

37-54 points – A high level of anxiety as a result
This score is a serious warning to you as  your anxiety level is well beyond the acceptable healthy limits, and this is a potentially dangerous situation.

The time has come to make specific changes to your life and change some of your daily habits so that you can stay healthy.

If you don’t fix these problems now, you can expect much more damaging consequences in the near future.

In addition, start making every effort to rest, find help, and make some positive changes in your life.

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