The Best Seeds For Slimming

Are you overweight? Do you want to get rid of extra pounds? Meet the mates who will help you with this!
The best seeds for weight loss

Today’s article presents the best seeds for weight loss. Miracle diets do not exist and we all know it. Losing weight requires effort, and above all, it must be based on a balanced diet that, in addition to burning fat, will help us stay healthy.

Losing weight cannot be effective without fiber. Therefore, today we will tell you what the best seeds are necessary for a weight loss diet.

Seeds are small treasures rich in ingredients that are very good for our health and we should not give up on them. For example, sunflower seeds help us regulate cholesterol and fat absorption. However, remember not to consume more than the recommended daily dose, which are two tablespoons of seeds, always without salt.

The best seeds for weight loss

fiber is essential in our diet. P Fiber also promotes proper weight loss

Perfect body weight

Did you know that eating a high-fiber diet can also provide protection against diabetes and heart disease? A high-fiber diet also helps us maintain a balanced cholesterol level. You also need to know that seeds are the richest in fiber. In addition to providing us with energy, they also offer us bacteria that are extremely important for our intestinal flora. And most importantly, the seeds are delicious, because who doesn’t like sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds?

When it comes to losing weight, seeds are our best ally. They help burn fat, accelerate metabolism, are perfect as an addition to salads and cocktails or as a snack. So let’s see which seeds are best for losing weight.

1. Chia seeds

Chia seeds - the best seeds for weight loss

They are perfect to speed up our metabolism and, with regular consumption, help to slowly lose weight. In addition, you must know that chia seeds are an ideal solution to problems with blood circulation. They contain a high percentage of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which reduce the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides and raise the level of good cholesterol (HDL).

What do you need to do to lose weight with chia seeds? It’s very simple, you can find them in natural food stores and supermarkets. Just add two or three teaspoons of chia seeds a day to your favorite salads, yoghurts, smoothies and even jellies.

2. Linseed


Flaxseed Salad - The Best Seeds for Weight Loss

According to experts, eating flax gives us much more fiber than eating any other grain. Thanks to it, we can avoid constipation, lower cholesterol and provide our body with a great dose of omega-3 fatty acids, which even exceeds the dose provided by any fish. So how can we consume flaxseed every day?

Finding linseed is very simple, as it is available in virtually every store. You can add them to yoghurt, salads, smoothies and it’s delicious!

3. Mustard seeds

Mustard seed - the best seeds for weight loss

Mustard seeds can be found in the supermarket without any problems, as they are often used in cooking. You can add them to salads, delicious salmon, turkey or chicken dishes (always lean meat).

4. Sunflower seeds


Flower and sunflower seeds

Why are sunflower seeds good for weight loss? As they provide a feeling of satiety, they accelerate the metabolism. In addition, they are very healthy, thanks to the content of oleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic, peanut and lecithin acids. All of these acids contribute to lowering bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol. Also, do not forget that sunflower seeds are an ally of the liver.

The fiber that sunflower seeds contain helps in reducing the absorption of cholesterol by the intestines and fats that should not remain in our body. But beware, we should not eat more than a handful of seeds a day because with more, the caloric level will be very high. Therefore, it is important to find a balance to be able to use their properties well, which will help us lose weight. They can be eaten as a snack, after breakfast or as a snack during the day.

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