The Love Of Your Life – When The End Comes

Though it may seem impossible for you at the moment, there is no such thing as one and only love in your life. You can meet your love many times. What’s more – it is perfectly possible to be happy alone.
The love of your life - when the end comes

Love is one of the most beautiful but also the most complicated feelings in our lives. If you meet the one person who is able to fill all your voids, polish your personality and make you live life to the full, happiness emanates from you. That’s what love is .

Unfortunately, sometimes time brings changes that we have to face. It happens that love ends and we have to say goodbye to the man who so far filled our lives so perfectly. Why? Because sometimes, instead of happiness, love only brings us suffering.

The deep relationships we develop with others are generally not the easiest ones. Sometimes even the fact that we love someone turns out to be insufficient. As a result, when establishing new relationships, we sometimes feel frustrated or feel helpless and hopeless.

For this reason, one thing should be clearly kept in mind: there is not just one person behind the phrase “love of your life”. There is also no perfect, flawless love. A relationship is built, you have to work hard on it, so it’s worth finding a person who wants to work on yourself and accompany you in your life.

The love of your life can deceive you

Kiss and love

When we love someone, we give them everything, without limits, without setting any limits. But from the point of view of emotional psychology and relationship experts like Walter Riso, “we shouldn’t become addicted to anyone” because “we are first, then our partner”.

Sounds reasonable, right? However, life shows that the road from theory to practice is very long and not easy to complete.

  • When you think you are meeting the love of your life, you are able to give up everything, you turn a blind eye to any obstacles in your relationship, and you tend to put your loved one above everything else, including yourself.
  • Every love comes with a risk. Hence, it is quite normal that when we love, we are able to give up many things and engage in stunts just to achieve the expected happiness alongside another human being. A man who we believe is our ideal.
  • Every relationship needs a mutual commitment, a certain vision, and a common will to keep the relationship strong. However, when we think we have met this perfect person, all these factors gain importance.

The main problem with this when the alleged love of your life arrives is that you start making plans, dreams, and creating projects together. The moment you realize that a relationship is not perfect, it breaks down and begins to be a source of pain, you see it all fall apart …

How could we summarize briefly everything we have described above? It’s simple: love is blind and very often we are drawn to the wrong people. Or maybe otherwise. It is not love that is blind, but our ideas about the person.

The love of your life – what you should know


The love of your life is a man just as imperfect as you are

An issue that is worth remembering at this point is the fact that you have to be extremely careful when it comes to great expectations towards another human being.

Don’t idealize, don’t expect impossible things from your partner. This is one of the most common mistakes made by people in love. Do whatever you can to avoid it as it doesn’t lead to anything good.

  • Meet the person you love. Watch her carefully, cold and without the “anesthesia” that love often brings. Nobody’s perfect, neither you nor the other person. Rather, it is about being able to accept the faults, habits and quirks of a loved one and adapt them to ours so that you can live well and happily together. This is what love is all about.

Ideal – you will meet many of them

A very common mistake we make when our relationship breaks up or the supposed love of our life goes away is falling into a way of thinking that can be summarized: “There was someone perfect. Now I leave him behind.

He will be on the pedestal I will put him, because no one will ever be like him again. ” Don’t think like that.

  • Perfect love can come into your life many times. Don’t fall into the way of thinking created by romantic movies and books that show us that you only love one time, only one time. It’s not true. Take a real look at life. Otherwise you will only suffer unnecessarily.
  • Indulge yourself in true, deep happiness as many times as you need to. There is one more thing to remember, too: you can also be happy alone. The most important thing is not to look for the ideal. Neither in itself nor in others.

It is enough to be a good, positive person, to know your strengths, accepting defects and shortcomings at the same time.

How do I know if it is THIS person?


With all of the above mentioned, it is worth considering another question: How do I know if a person is right for me and will bring me true happiness? Here are some factors that may indicate it:

  • You can be yourself at any time of the day or night.
  • You feel free and at the same time happy to be in the relationship.
  • You don’t think about the past anymore. You no longer feel constantly sad about what has happened to you. You accept it because you realize that it is thanks to your past that you got where you are: at the side of the person you love.
  • You are the most important for this person, and at the same time, it allows you to develop and leaves you with your own space.
  • He is there for you when you need it.
  • He can work in a team. It builds, it does not destroy.
  • He can keep your relationship strong and lasting. It uses even small details for this.
  • You laugh together, you enjoy the time together, there is this special bond between you.
  • Bad days get a little better when the other person is next to you.
  • When you think about your next life with this man, you are fine. You like to imagine the future at his side.
  • You feel that this love is mature, there is no envy in it, because there is mutual understanding and deep trust.
  • When you are with this man, you also feel good about yourself. And while there are many difficult or unpleasant situations, you understand that with a joint effort, everything can be overcome.

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