Thyroid Problems – 10 Symptoms

Rapid identification and diagnosis of thyroid problems is very important, and even necessary, to avoid complications.
Thyroid problems - 10 symptoms

The thyroid gland is a gland responsible for controlling metabolism. It determines, among other things, the rate of burning calories, the rate of heartbeat and the level of hormones. Many adults suffer from  thyroid problems that can lead to many disorders, both physical and emotional.

The most common problems with the  thyroid gland  are its hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and tumors. Each of these conditions affects the body differently, but there are a number of symptoms common to all thyroid conditions. Here are 10 of them you should know.

Thyroid problems – 10 symptoms


If, even after 8 or 10 hours of sleep, you still feel weak and exhausted, it could be a problem with the production of thyroid hormones, i.e. hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland is responsible for energy levels, so a chronic lack of strength and willingness to act may be a symptom that the thyroid is not functioning as it should.

Weight changes

T arczyca is also responsible for the rate of metabolic changes, in other words – burning calories. If you notice a sudden weight gain, it could be a sign of hypothyroidism and insufficient hormone production.

Weight fluctuations

On the other hand if you suddenly and for no apparent reason losing weight, it could mean that the thyroid secretes too much hormone, which is called hyperthyroidism.

Mood swings

Hormonal disturbances due to thyroid problems can also affect your mental and emotional state. If you suddenly experience stress, depression or unexplainable mood swings, it may indicate some trouble with this gland.

Body aches

Back pain

Problems of the reproductive system

Hormonal imbalances can also cause problems with getting pregnant, disturbances in the menstrual cycle or decrease in libido.

Constant feeling of cold

The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating body temperature. Perpetually cold hands and feet, as well as a constant feeling of coldness, can be another symptom of thyroid disease and metabolic problems.

Weakening of hair, skin and nails

Dry skin, hair loss and brittle nails are very common symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Split nails

These symptoms worsen over time and require appropriate treatment so that they do not become chronic.


Reduced hormone activity affects processes throughout the body and many different organs may find it difficult to carry out their tasks.

In the case of the digestive system, problems with the thyroid gland are manifested by disturbances in the absorption of nutrients and in the removal of waste products from the body, which causes troublesome constipation.

Problems with concentration

People suffering from thyroid disorders often complain of problems with memory and concentration.

Problems with concentration

This is because the production of thyroid hormones is reduced and many body functions are slowed down.

Voice and throat

Thyroid problems can also manifest as inflammation and an increase in the size of the thyroid gland. This can be seen as a sore throat, hoarseness, snoring, swelling and feeling unwell.

How do you respond to the symptoms of thyroid disease?

In a very large number of cases, thyroid disorders are only detected at a later stage because they are mistaken for symptoms of other ailments earlier. That is why it is so important to recognize the symptoms skillfully, which will allow for an early diagnosis.


Ignoring problems with this gland can lead to many further complications and complications.

If you experience one or more of the symptoms described above, consult your physician as soon as possible for a diagnosis and examination.

Regular checkups are especially important if your family has a history of thyroid disease.

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