Tips For Removing Unpleasant Odors From Towels

Certain ingredients of natural origin have deodorizing properties which help to neutralize the smell of damp in the towels. We will tell you how to use them to leave them flawless. There is no need to purchase perfumed products to eliminate odors from towels. While the use of softeners and conventional powders can help, it is better to choose eco-friendly cleaners that serve the same purpose.
How to eliminate unpleasant smell from towels?

Do you know how to eliminate unpleasant odors from towels naturally? Admittedly, there are many options on the market that have stronger aromas that persist in the smell for days after use. However, due to the content of aggressive chemical compounds, they are harmful to the environment and may contribute to the emergence of respiratory allergies.

The good news is that natural solutions have properties that effectively remove dirt and the smell of moisture. In addition, they are accessible to most people as they are inexpensive and available in all supermarkets.

How to eliminate unpleasant smell from towels?

After a few days of use, towels begin to have an irritating smell that can only be eliminated by washing. Due to contact with moisture, dead skin cells and mold, they take on an  unpleasant odor and an unsightly appearance.

Unfortunately, many people cannot refresh them well to keep them soft and odor-free. However, with a few simple tricks, leaving your towels spotless won’t be a problem. Take note of our tips!

1. Vinegar and baking soda

In addition, its antifungal properties eliminate bacteria, mold and microorganisms that can cause infections and strong odors. Additionally, they have an effect that replaces conventional fabric softeners.

baking soda and vinegar


  • Hot water (essential)
  • 1 cup of white vinegar (250 ml)
  • ½ cup of baking soda (100 g)


  • Place the towels in the washing machine and pour the necessary amount of warm water over them.
  • Then add a glass of vinegar and start the washing cycle.
  • Leave the towels inside the washing machine and refill with hot water.
  • Finally, add baking soda and rinse again. They will be like new!

2. Lemon juice

Due to the concentration of citric acid, lemon is an excellent solution for bleaching and disinfecting all kinds of clothing. In the same way, these properties and their acidic smell help to eliminate unpleasant odors from towels.


  • ½ cup of lemon juice (125 ml)
  • 4 cups of hot water (1 liter)


  • Pour the lemon juice into a bucket and mix it with hot water.
  • Dip the towels and let them soak for 40 minutes.
  • After this time, put them in the washing machine and wash them with regular detergent.

3. Salt and lemon oil

This formulation with salt and lemon oil has two functions. First, salt helps remove stains from towels by whitening them. On the other hand  , lemon oil neutralizes unpleasant odors and helps fabrics soften them.

lemon oil


  • 1 tablespoon of salt (10 g)
  • 10 drops of lemon essential oil
  • 4 cups of hot water (1 liter)


  • Remember that you should use a tablespoon of salt for every liter of water. Therefore, if you are going to wash several towels, increase the amount.
  • Add all ingredients to the bowl and mix them well.
  • Soak dirty towels and leave them for at least an hour.
  • After the time has elapsed, rub them to help remove dirt.
  • Finally, wash them in the washing machine with regular powder.

4. Milk and peppermint oil

milk for the foul smell of the hands


  • 1 cup of milk (250 ml)
  • 1 cup of hot water (250 ml)
  • 10 drops of peppermint oil


  • Mix milk with hot water and peppermint oil.
  • Then soak the towels in the mixture.
  • Leave it on for one or two hours and rinse.
  • Result? Whiter towels with a mint scent.

As you can see, eliminating unpleasant odors from towels using natural products is not complicated. It also helps to care for fabrics and prevents them from deteriorating quickly. You have to try them out!

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