Unpleasant Foot Odor – Fight These 11 Ways

When your feet give off a bad smell and sweat excessively, you need an effective solution as soon as possible. Read the rest of the article to find them!
Unpleasant foot odor - combat these 11 ways

Do your feet give off an unpleasant, pungent odor? Bad foot odor is a problem scientifically known as bromhidrosis or hyperhidrosis. It is a medical condition that can occur to any person, regardless of age or gender.

In addition to maintaining the correct level of hygiene to eliminate foot odor , you can try a few different measures on your own to combat the bacteria that cause this nuisance.

The unpleasant smell of the feet does not necessarily result from the lack of personal hygiene. In fact, this is a very rare cause. Most often, this problem can be caused by a problem with the functioning of the apocrine glands, which are present in the following areas of our body, among others:

  • Chest
  • Armpits
  • Genitals
  • Feet

This does not mean, however, that these places sweat more than others, but rather that their secretions have quite a distinct, specific smell. When ammonia is released from the breakdown of fatty acids, the reaction results in a terrible odor in some cases.


And while odor-causing hyperhidrosis is a genetic problem, it can sometimes develop due to other diseases or conditions. Take, for example, diabetes mellitus, which is one of the most common causes of secondary hyperhidrosis.

Moreover, there are also substances that can cause an unpleasant foot odor. Some of them are spices that are popular with us, as well as alcohol and tobacco.

So if you want to say goodbye to this problem in a simple, natural and cheap way once and for all, give up both of the above-mentioned stimulants, and pay close attention to the next part of our today’s article.

How can I eliminate unpleasant foot odor?

If you are one of the people who suffer from unpleasant foot odor and want to get rid of it, you should remember to follow a regular, daily procedure that will help you reduce this annoying ailment.

It includes, among other things, using talcum powder or deodorant for feet and washing them thoroughly with antibacterial soap. Washing your feet daily is a process that reduces the number of bacteria.

In addition, people with foot odor should wear cotton socks to allow perspiration to be absorbed. It is also recommended to wear shoes that allow fresh air to circulate, colloquially speaking those that “breathe”.

But of course, the above treatments only minimize the effects of the problem, unfortunately they have no effect on its cause.

Remedies to treat foot odor

1. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps reduce acidity and maintain the correct pH balance on the surface of the skin on the feet.

Apple vinegar

Necessary ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup of vinegar (125 ml)
  • 1/2 cup of warm water (125 ml)

Procedure for applying the described agent:

  • Add vinegar and water to a bowl that’s large enough for you to dip your feet in.
  • Keep them in this mixture for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • After this time, it is really important to dry your feet thoroughly, because the moisture left on the skin can stimulate the growth of unwanted microbes, which will result in even more unpleasant foot odor.

2. Baking soda

Procedure for applying the described agent:

  • After showering and drying the leather, sprinkle baking powder on your feet and the inside of your shoes. You will be surprised how effective it will be.

3. Sage

This plant is a natural antiperspirant thanks to its vitamin B and magnesium. Additionally, sage prevents excessive sweating of the feet and kills numerous bacteria.

You can simply put 2 or 3 sage leaves in each of your shoes, which will allow them to absorb the unpleasant smell of your feet. Replace leaves every day. You can also make yourself a sage infusion and wash your feet with it.


Necessary ingredients:

  • 10 sage leaves
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)

Procedure for applying the described agent:

  • Heat the water, and when it starts to boil, add the sage to the pan and let it rest on the gas for 10 minutes. Then remove the vessel from the heat and wait for its contents to cool.
  • When the infusion is at room temperature, soak your feet in it for 15 minutes. Then rinse the water and dry their skin well.

4. Lemon

Lemons are very acidic, which helps to fight germs and control foot odor.

Procedure for applying the described agent:

  • Wash and dry your feet well.
  • Then rub it with half a lemon and put on your socks as usual. Do not rub your feet dry

5. Vodka

This popular alcoholic drink acts as an antiseptic that removes, among other things, the unpleasant odor of the feet. This is a really powerful disinfectant.


Procedure for applying the described agent:

  • Dampen a piece of cotton ball with a little vodka and rub it over your feet. That’s all.

6. Table salt

Necessary ingredients:

  • 3 tablespoons of table salt (30 g)
  • A tall vessel of water (use as much water as necessary)

Procedure for applying the described agent:

  • Add salt to a bucket of hot water and soak your feet in it for about 10 minutes. Do not use this method on injured or chafed feet.

7. Alcohol

Alcohol is a bactericide that effectively eliminates various health hazards. The principle of operation and application is similar to that of vodka.

Procedure for applying the described agent:

  • If you want to eliminate the unpleasant smell of your feet, wash and dry them well. Then wipe them with a cotton swab dipped in any alcohol.

8. Aloe gel

Aloe Vera Gel is one of those miraculous natural remedies that perfectly nourish your skin and offer tons of other benefits for your health. Its disinfecting properties are also able to effectively combat the unpleasant foot odor.


Necessary ingredients:

  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (30 g)

Procedure for applying the described agent:

  • Rub the gel on clean feet. Wait for it to dry, then wipe off any residue with a soft towel.

9. Radish, ginger and lime

By combining these ingredients you will have some success. Ginger is a natural antibacterial agent, while radishes and limes act as astringent and refreshing ingredients.

Radish, ginger, and lime

Necessary ingredients:

  • 1 radish
  • 4 ginger roots
  • Juice squeezed from 1 lime

Procedure for applying the described agent:

  • Finely grate the radish and ginger.
  • Mix them with the lime juice until it forms a paste with a homogeneous consistency.
  • Apply this preparation after washing and drying your feet.
  • After applying it to the skin, wait 20 minutes and then rinse your feet with running water.

10. Lavender

A few drops of lavender essential oil will help you say goodbye to unpleasant-smelling feet, as the plant has strong antibacterial properties.

Lavender oil

Procedure for applying the described agent:

  • After washing your feet, spread a few drops of lavender oil on each of them. You will soon see how this essential oil can effectively eliminate foot odor.

11. Black tea

The stronger the brew, the better! Black tea helps to maintain the pH balance in your body. This is due to the large amount of tannins, which are substances that build resistance to heat and attack all kinds of microorganisms at the same time.

Black tea

Procedure for applying the described agent:

  • Brew strong black tea. It doesn’t matter whether you use an express bag or a leaf tea.
  • When the infusion is ready, add it to a container large enough to hold your feet and soak them for about 30 minutes.
  • After this time, rinse your feet with running water and dry them well.
  • Repeat this process as many times as you like for at least one week.

We guarantee that the use of the methods described above will effectively eliminate this troublesome ailment, which is the unpleasant smell of the feet!

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