Urinary Incontinence For Too Long – What Are The Consequences?

Have you ever wondered what the consequences of urinary incontinence are? Unfortunately, we do it quite often, so in today’s article we will explain why we should not do it.
Duration of urination for too long - what are the consequences?

How many times have you felt the urge to go to the bathroom and put it off? Certainly a lot. As a rule, it happens when we are working, busy or very interested in something, and the sudden physiological need of our body does not suit us at this point. Urinary incontinence often lasts up to three or four hours.

Just to drive or walk home and be able to easily take care of your bathroom needs. We can afford it once or twice a week. However, what is the risk when prolonged urination becomes a regular habit?

There are many people who feel comfortable only in their home bathroom and even the staff toilet does not provide them with adequate peace.

Remember, however, that this habit, repeated regularly, can cause us a lot of health problems over time, and in today’s article you will learn about some of these consequences.

Urinating for too long – what are the consequences?

1. Infections

Why is urinary continence so bad for the body? We must not forget that urine, in addition to being water, contains all the substances that the body does not need and must be excreted.

The kidneys are responsible for this, which constantly filter the blood. As a result , we have a mixture of unnecessary elements in the bladder, acids and ammonia. If these substances are kept for too long, they can damage the bladder walls as well as the bladder itself.


Every time you take care of your physiological needs, the bacteria that are in the urethra are also removed. Thanks to regular removal, we prevent their migration to other places where they could be the cause of infection.

So what happens when we have no choice but to urinate longer than necessary?

The effect of this is that these bacteria reside in our body for a long time and the likelihood of them getting to other places increases significantly. Eventually they can enter the bladder, causing it to become inflamed.

2. Bladder enlargement

Typically, the volume of fluid that may be in the bladder varies from 150 to 220 ml (depending on each person). This amount of fluid activates the receptors that send messages to the brain to go to the bathroom.

In response, the brain activates pain and discomfort receptors, which mobilize us to take care of physiological needs and empty the bladder.


What happens when we don’t do it, but choose to urinate and don’t pay attention to the signals our brain sends out? We stay seated, trying to forget and not think about the fact that we need to go to the toilet.

In addition, we continue eating and drinking, which causes additional fluid to build up in the bladder. Thus, we widen its walls, which can cause a lot of damage. Remember this and do not expose yourself to such a danger without need!

3. Formation of kidney stones

Few complaints are as painful as renal colic. It is true that some people are more likely to produce kidney stones than others. However, no matter what – excessive urination is a factor that increases the likelihood of urination.

Kidney stones

They are formed from calcium, phosphates, ammonium and magnesium . They form small crystals in the kidneys at first, and then become stones, the removal of which is really painful and suffering.

Beware of this by drinking plenty of water and using the toilet when your body needs it!

4. Bladder-urinary outflow

Vesiculo-urinary drainage is a very serious problem and we should know that it can also happen if you hold urine for too long.

A similar condition occurs when urine, which is stored in the bladder, instead of being expelled to the outside, flows back into the ureters and kidneys, which can cause serious infections.

There are several levels of outflow, from I to V, depending on the intensity of urine reflux. The first stage is the lightest, with urine only flowing back into the ureters.


This is phase V when urine begins to reach the kidneys each day and the ureters widen. Then not only the person is exposed to infections, but the kidney area can also be damaged.

Keep this in mind whenever you feel like you urinating!

5. Discomfort, cramps and fatigue

Holding urine for too long is never indifferent to the body. It shouldn’t be a habit and something that happens regularly. If the body sends a signal to go to the bathroom, it is better not to wait more than 10 or 15 minutes.

In addition to starting to feel swollen, fluid full of toxic compounds begins to build up in your bladder, causing unpleasant chills and pain in your pelvis. It is no longer the usual feeling of needing to go to the toilet, we start to feel tired and slow.

Bad mood

To dispel thoughts of wanting to meet a physiological need, we start drinking, which only aggravates the situation. Never do that! Never delay the moment you go to the toilet! Urinary incontinence will only worsen your health, and may even expose you to unnecessary suffering!

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