Vaseline For Health And Beauty

Vaseline is a by-product of crude oil distillation that is widely used in both cosmetics and the pharmaceutical industry. Its composition may vary with the procedure for its preparation. It is known, however, that the petroleum jelly that we all know is the most refined variety. It is used in the production of creams, lubricants and an ingredient of various preparations used in aesthetics.

What is Vaseline?

Vaseline has many health and beauty properties – almost everyone knows about it! However, few of us have knowledge about the origin of this product and the process of its production. Vaseline is one of the by-products of crude oil distillation. It is obtained by mixing it with steam and filtering at high temperature. This means that it is a blend purified from fossil source semi-solid hydrocarbons.

Industrial petroleum jelly

Due to its thick consistency, petroleum jelly is perfect for skin care. Especially on sensitive areas such as the mouth. What’s more, it is sometimes a component of various ointments. It can be used both in summer and winter – because it is a protective barrier against sun, cold and wind.

Hence, petroleum jelly is considered one of the basic care elements that every woman should have at home or in her purse. Vaseline has an infinite number of uses. And best of all – it is cheaper than any cosmetic product available in stores.

The use of petroleum jelly in aesthetics and natural medicine

  • It is an excellent lip balm. Apply a little petroleum jelly to your lips at any time of the year to relieve them when they are dry and chapped from the cold, or to moisturize them when over-exposed to the summer sun. In addition, it works like a lip gloss!
  • It is a good cream for lips and hands. It is used to soften and moisturize rough heels, hands and dry feet. Rub a thick layer of petroleum jelly into your hands or feet in circular movements, and then put on cotton gloves or socks for tangible results. Leave for 15 minutes until it is completely soaked into the skin. If necessary, wash off the residue with lukewarm water. Your skin will become smooth and soft. With regular use, you can forget about cracked feet forever!
  • It is an alternative to make-up removal products. It is perfect for removing even waterproof mascara. What’s more, it helps soothe irritation caused by makeup products in the most sensitive areas, such as around the eyes.
  • Can be used as a moisturizing cream. Lubricate your body with petroleum jelly after bathing, and it will become smooth and perfectly moisturized.

But petroleum jelly is even more!

  • It is an excellent base for peeling. If you mix a little petroleum jelly with two tablespoons of sugar or salt, you will get an excellent homemade scrub, which you can successfully use both on the face and on the body. You can also use the prepared peeling to remove dead cells from the mouth. Massage it in with circular movements and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, additionally massage your lips with a toothbrush – the effect will be even more amazing!
Vaseline in a box
  • It is a good soothing agent after epilation. Regardless of whether you use a razor or wax for hair removal, the skin on the legs usually becomes dry and rough. You can put a thin layer of petroleum jelly on it and let it absorb. You will see that the skin regains its smoothness and an adequate level of hydration.
  • You can use it as a blusher. Mix a little lipstick with petroleum jelly and make a homemade blusher that will last for hours, no matter what you do.
  • Extends the durability of the perfume fragrance. Before spraying your wrists with your favorite perfume, rub a little petroleum jelly on them – this way the fragrance will last all day.
  • It protects the scalp from the effects of hair dye. Rub a little petroleum jelly into the hairline (where the hair roots are visible on the forehead, neck, around the ears, etc.), thanks to which you will not only avoid staining the skin, but also an allergic reaction that can be caused by chemical dyes of the paint.
  • You can use it as a hair conditioner. After washing your hair with your favorite shampoo, rub a little petroleum jelly into the scalp, leave it on for a few minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with water.
Vaseline container
  • It masks split ends of hair: if you apply a little petroleum jelly to split ends, you will make them invisible and unsightly at the same time.
  • Evens out the tan: before applying the self-tanning cream, rub a little petroleum jelly on the dry areas of your body (knees, elbows, ankles), which usually stay a little darker than the rest of your body. Enjoy an even tan!

What else can you get with Vaseline?

  • It adds beauty to eyelashes and eyebrows: instead of conditioners, we recommend using petroleum jelly – applied before bedtime, it will make the hair regenerate and regain the appropriate level of hydration, as well as become long and thick.
  • It cares for the cuticles around the nails: apply petroleum jelly several times a day to those “forgotten” parts of the hands and nails – it will restore the cuticles softness and aesthetic appearance.
  • Perfect for massage: it relaxes the body and at the same time moisturizes it. Perform the massage in circular movements from head to toe.
    Plastic bowl
  • Extends the durability of the eyeshadows: before applying the eyeshadows, rub a little petroleum jelly into the eyelid, thanks to which it will last longer and the color will gain intensity. However, if you decide not to apply the eyeshadow, the use of petroleum jelly will add a beautiful glow to the eyelids.
  • It helps to remove the ring from a swollen finger: smear the finger with petroleum jelly and the ring or wedding ring will easily slip off the finger without using force.
  • Speeds up the wound healing process: From a health point of view, petroleum jelly is used to speed up the wound healing process and is also a great ally in postoperative procedures. It is also used to protect the skin in the area where the tattoo was made.

Photos: Ishikawa Ken, istolethetv, Sung Sock, WePhotographer, Christina Xu.

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