Vicks VapoRub – Do Not Use This Ointment On Young Children!

VapoRub ointment is commonly used to relieve flu symptoms and to relieve a stuffy nose. However, you should refrain from using it in children under 2 years of age as VapoRub may cause an allergic reaction or a severe cough in them.
Vicks VapoRub - do not use this ointment on young children!

Many of us have a Vicks VapoRub package on the bedside table . Most of us remember when our parents or grandparents rubbed this ointment on our chests when we were cold or ill.

Almost everyone knows Vicks VapoRub and reaches for the jar when a stuffy nose keeps you awake. In addition, the use of this ointment does not end with relieving the symptoms of a runny nose. It is also useful for other purposes, such as repelling mosquitoes.

Parents’ belief that Vicks will help their children breathe freely during a cold is fully justified. After all, this ointment has been used for generations. Contrary to this belief, experts warn that the use of Vicks VapoRub in children under 2 years of age may do more harm than help.

Compared to 5-year-olds, older children and adults, children under the age of 2 have much narrower airways. Therefore, inhalation of VapoRub or similar products may cause inflammation in their airways.

Inflammation of the airways causes them to accumulate large amounts of secretions, making it difficult to breathe. Experts warn that as a result of using VapoRub, children may have difficulty breathing, even when they are not actually sick.

In addition, they indicate to follow the instructions on the ointment package. The label of Vicks VapoRub states that the ointment should not be applied around or in the nostrils.

In addition, the manufacturer recommends consulting a doctor before using the preparation in children under 3 years of age and in pregnant women. If your child has symptoms of a cold or flu, we recommend taking the steps below.

Open baby’s nose with saline solution instead of Vicks VapoRub

The first and most important thing that we should take care of when our child has a cold is opening his or her nose. We clean the child’s nose in two steps: first, spray the holes with the brine solution, and then suck out the secretion with the pear intended for this purpose.

Clearing a stuffy nose with saline solution is a good alternative to Vicks VapoRub ointment

By cleaning our toddler’s nose in this way, we will bring him relief and make it easier to breathe, although the method itself may not be liked by our toddler at first.

Take care of the proper hydration of your child

A cold baby will only benefit from drinking plenty of fluids. To maximize the beneficial effects of intensive hydration, we can add a pinch of salt, e.g. Himalayan salt, to a liter bottle of baby water.

The brine prepared in this way will provide our child with electrolytes and minerals and will support the work of his muscles, nerves and many organs.

Ventilate your apartment frequently and Vicks VapoRub will not be needed

The environment has a significant impact on the health of our child. High air humidity in the apartment, in combination with dust or animal hair, can cause allergies – both skin and inhalation.

It is extremely important to maintain proper order and hygiene at home.

Airing the apartment frequently is good for our children

Some people use air humidifiers in their homes as a cough remedy. However, it should be remembered that humidifiers can only be used in the case of a dry cough. Their use is not recommended for any other type of cough.

In addition, if we have a humidifier at home, we should clean it every day. Do not overdo the use of a humidifier – excessive moisture can cause fungus to appear on the walls.

Make sure your baby gets enough sleep

For cold and sick children, sleep is particularly important as their bodies regenerate faster during sleep.

The amount of sleep your baby needs varies with age:

  • sleep in a newborn baby takes about 16 hours a day and is evenly distributed throughout the day
  • A 2-year-old needs 12 hours of sleep at night and a few hours of naps during the day

Consult your pediatrician before using Vicks VapoRub

Sometimes a cold or flu will go away on its own. Careful parental care combined with a healthy diet may be enough to quickly cure the child.

When the child's condition worsens, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary

However, if the child’s condition worsens, it is imperative to see a doctor. Only a doctor has the knowledge necessary to diagnose the disease and implement appropriate treatment.

What symptoms signal the need to see a doctor

  • cough with general fatigue and difficulty breathing
  • sharp noises as you inhale, similar to syllables
  • cough that lasts more than 2 weeks
  • fever
  • discoloration (blueness) of your baby’s lips and face

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