Victim Mentality: Endless Discontent

People suffering from the chronic victim mentality have often embraced it as a way of life and do not see that they are using it to get what they want.
Victim mentality: endless dissatisfaction

Do you know anyone who suffers from the chronic victim mentality ? There are many possible causes for this condition, but all of them lead to common characteristics for this type of person.

People with a chronic victim mentality are usually very insecure, dependent on the help of others, unable to solve their own problems or recognize their mistakes.

The victim mentality is considered a possible symptom of a mental disorder. This is because for some people it may manifest with greater intensity.

This not only completely affects their way of life, but also the people around them.

Unfortunately, not everyone has this option. Instead, people with this syndrome are drowned in a sea of ​​negativity, becoming “victims of themselves” for the rest of their lives.

Victim mentality – characteristic behaviors

This type of person is easy to recognize. It is simply necessary to pay attention to their facial expressions, bad walking posture and constant pessimistic tone of voice.

  • They try to justify their misfortune with a curse and always blame someone else.
  • As a result, they increase their victim mentality until they alienate those around them.
  • They tend to maintain feelings such as bitterness or jealousy and avoid taking any responsibility for their misfortunes.
The woman comforts the crying woman

There are some of the most obvious characteristics of someone suffering from the chronic victim mentality:

1. Blame others for not helping

Most of the time, they feel frustrated when they don’t get help from others. They do not trust their own abilities and do not feel capable of solving their own problems.

Overall, they tend to turn everything into big drama.

2. They manipulate facts unconsciously

It doesn’t matter what the real story behind their problems is. They are always looking for a way to misrepresent the facts so that they are someone else’s fault and not their own. This is something that people with a victim mentality do quite naturally without even thinking about it.

victim mentality, Couple in bed facing away from each other

3. Show limited self-criticism

Although people with the chronic victim mentality are unable to recognize their good qualities, they can be self-critical about their actions. However, it might just be a way to prove someone else is to blame for their problems.

After all, their victim mentality makes their self-criticism quite limited.

4. Their self-image focuses on misfortune

These types of people fantasize that the world is nothing but suffering and nothing good will come of the future. In fact, they feel good about talking to other people about it. All of this is due to a distorted vision of reality.

Women keep pots of plants, one greater the other less victim mentality

5. They manipulate others unconsciously

In this case, such people often resort to blackmail as the only way to get all the help they need it.

Therefore, they manipulate the minds of other people, putting themselves in the victim’s position all the time. Then, when they suffer an accident or misfortune, the others feel responsible and will give them the help they seek.

6. Victim mentality – when the problem becomes chronic

Chronic victim mentality is a problem that gets worse over time. Eternal unhappiness and complaining become a habit. This can cause us despair and frustration, and it all becomes an emotional burden.

At this point, some people become victims of their own lives and cannot find a way out.

victim mentality

If this is the case for you or someone you know, please consider seeking professional help. You will be surprised by the results.

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