Voice Care In Old Age

Hormones influence the voice change that occurs in old age. Learn more about the process and how to take care of your voice as you age.
Voice care in old age

What is voice nurturing ? Perhaps as you get older, you notice that your voice does not sound the way it used to be. This change of voice is called presbiphony. It refers to the natural changes that occur in the larynx during the aging process.

Depending on each person’s build, as well as their age, the larynx and vocal cords may vibrate more or less frequently. Over time, they lose their elasticity and collagen fibers.

Voice care – unique and one of a kind

Each person has a unique voice that identifies them and is one of a kind. For this reason, it is worth taking care of. What is our voice and its specificity depends on the shape of the upper larynx, which varies from person to person. Thus, voice resonance also varies, even in old age.

5 changes that can occur in the voice during aging

As you age, your voice can take on a completely different character.

While many adults retain their normal voice in old age, some common changes may be noticeable:

Elderly woman props her head, voice nurturing
  1. Its sound is thinner. The sound of the voice is less loud. The vocal cords in the larynx become thinner and less flexible. This is because muscle loss occurs over time and the strings no longer vibrate as they did before.
  2. Your voice sounds harsher. To keep the sound clear, your voice requires effective vibration. Therefore, anything that gets in the way of the closing of the strings and is harmful to the larynx will make your voice harsh and hoarse.
  3. Its sound is weaker. Aging also affects the emission and loudness of the voice. In addition, people with changes in the respiratory system may notice that their voice is lower.
  4. There was a color change. The changes in color can also be caused by wasting of the vocal cord muscles, and in women it can be partially caused by hormonal changes.
  5. It is easier to get tired of the voice. If your voice sounds strong in the morning but loses its power throughout the day, it may be because your voice is tired. Like all fatigue, the voice is also associated with use.

Voice Care – 10 Tips for Taking Care of Your Voice in Old Age

The best medicine to avoid and care for your voice is prophylaxis. Here are some tips for what voice grooming can look like. This way, you can prevent adverse changes that may affect the organs of the voice:

  1. Don’t force sounds and scream.
  2. Avoid very noisy places and don’t try to overhear the noise when you are near it.
  3. Do not smoke and avoid smoky areas as the smoke irritates the larynx.
  4. Try to avoid clearing your throat all the time.
  5. If you have frequent colds, allergies or coughs, consult a specialist for appropriate treatment.
  6. If you have hoarseness or aphonia that lasts more than 10 days, see a specialist.
  7. Avoid dehydration of the body. You should drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. In this way, the mucosa covering the vocal cords will be properly moistened.
  8. Remember to take adequate rest. Body fatigue takes its toll on your voice, especially if you use your voice at work.
  9. If possible, try not to speak for more than four consecutive hours or to sing continuously for more than two hours. Such effort damages the vocal cords.
  10. Limit alcohol and caffeine intake as they dehydrate the vocal folds. Also, try to maintain a balanced diet, avoiding spicy foods and dairy products that can affect your voice.

Voice care – summary

Voice changes in old age have not yet been sufficiently researched to develop a complete prevention strategy. However, following the rules of hygiene and following the advice above will help you keep your voice in top shape in old age.

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