Walks – A Way To Get Rid Of Unnecessary Kilograms!

We all know perfectly well that daily walks have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, making breathing easier, improving muscle tone, and – when done properly – helping you lose weight. During the walk, we can burn enough calories to gradually shape the figure. Read how walking  will help us lose weight.

Walking and losing weight

For many people, the idea of ​​walking and burning fat at the same time doesn’t always go hand in hand. Indeed, this is a misconception – any regular form of physical activity, when done properly, converts carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy, and not into fat reserves as is the case with a sedentary lifestyle. And if we also use a healthy and balanced diet, it is even easier to get rid of unnecessary fat. If you think it’s worth taking a look at our tips.

1. Motivation

The first step we need to take is to convince ourselves that from now on we will spend an hour a day walking. We must therefore stick to the plan rigidly and find this moment. A good motivational technique turns out to be the purchase of appropriate clothes and footwear: comfortable pants, a loose T-shirt, shoes with good adhesion, in which we will be able to walk on any surface without fear.

On a walk

It would be ideal if we managed to persuade a friend or partner to go for walks together – then they will turn into a healthy and pleasant daily routine. So the first and most important step to effort is motivation!

2. Walking plan and walking pace


Note that when we say “walking” we do not mean lazy walks, but brisk walking at a pace. And the ideal pace for slimming is about 7 km / h, so we really have to go briskly. This means that we should walk 1.5 km in no more than 10-15 minutes.

See for yourself, it’s not a big challenge! The imposed pace is necessary for our body to burn fat. For this to happen, the heart’s sinus rhythm must reach 60-70% – then the body begins to use reserves to obtain the necessary energy, which speeds up the basic metabolism. So you already know – a kilometer in 15 minutes !

3. How to burn fat during walks? – Correct posture

  • Do not stretch your steps too much. If we force our own movements, we can get injured. Your step should be normal. The most common mistake of walkers is accelerating the pace and lengthening the stride unnaturally. Try to discover your perfect step and remember never to completely straighten your legs.
  • Shoulders relaxed and chest forward – that’s what your posture should be. If your head is swinging sideways and you feel a slight tension in the front of your legs, the steps are too long and your body movement is unnatural. You need to feel comfortable and nothing should hurt or restrict your movements.
  • The steps should be quick, but remember never to extend them. Begin your walk at a normal pace, and after 5 minutes, increase your pace.
    Walks in the city
  • Watch your hip movements as you walk . Their movement should be continuous, but natural – nothing should hurt or constrict you. Keep in mind that walking is very beneficial for the pelvis and hips.
  • Your feet should touch the ground in the right way : your heel should touch the ground first. On the other hand, the toes touching the ground should add momentum. By walking in this way, we will avoid pain and trauma.
  • The head should be in a natural position – neither raised nor lowered. If you look down at your footsteps, you will develop dizziness, neck pain, and other ailments. The most important element of the walk is that it is comfortable and takes place at the right pace.
  • The arms should be relaxed at all times and move freely.
  • Now let’s move on to the torso. Keep your posture straight, pull your stomach in – then your spine will also be straight and your hips will have full freedom of movement.
  • The arms should be bent at an angle of 90 °. They give the rhythm to our walks – let’s wave them freely, but make sure that they are always close to the body. And never clench your fists.

4. Proper breathing while walking

Breathing while walking should be abdominal. Remember, walking is an aerobic exercise : your blood supplies oxygen to your organs and working muscles – so you can burn fat and turn it into energy. Therefore, it is imperative to perform deep abdominal breathing. Grab the air and “belly breathe” and then expel it through your mouth. Check for yourself that it’s easy!


Have we managed to encourage you to take daily walks? Try to walk regularly, make it your daily pleasure. It is a very healthy exercise that we should all do every day. We keep our fingers crossed for you! Weight loss should start around 4-6 weeks. However, the amount of pounds lost depends on the individual’s metabolism. Along with your daily walks, however, do not forget to use a healthy and balanced diet.


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