Water In The Ear? Learn 4 Ways To Get Rid Of It

Water in the ear does not seem to be a big problem, but it is worth counteracting such situations to avoid hearing problems or infections.
Water in the ear?  Learn 4 ways to get rid of it

Water in the ear is a situation that has happened to anyone who visits the pool regularly, swims in the sea, or takes long baths in the tub. When water enters the ear it can be uncomfortable, but on the surface it doesn’t seem to be a big problem.

However, it is worth learning to dry your ear and get rid of water to avoid hearing problems or even the development of infections and inflammations.

When there is water in the ear , we may experience symptoms such as noise, squeaks and hearing loss. In fact, removing excess water from the ear is not easy, so it’s worth knowing a few ways that you can use at home to deal with this problem. It is not always enough to dry the ear with a towel or to sleep on one side.

Water in the ear? Get rid of her!

Water in the ear is a common problem, especially in summer, when we most often visit swimming pools, swimming pools or other water reservoirs. So there are countless theories and tricks that are supposed to – at least theoretically – help us deal with this bothersome ailment and the accompanying symptoms.

For example, you can buy special ear drops with a composition very similar to alcohol in supermarkets or drugstores. This formula is designed to help you remove water from your ear.

It is worth mentioning, however, that while in many cases it is sufficient to remove water from the ear on your own, there are also situations in which it is best to go to a specialist. We are talking about cases where the feeling of ear congestion is also accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • headache
  • nausea
  • dizziness

1. Vacuum effect

For this method to be effective, you need to tilt your head to one side. It is also worth not to overdo it with increasing the pressure, as this can lead to the opposite effect from the intended, namely sucking the water deeper into the ear.

Inflammation of the ear and Water in the ear

2. Head tilting

This trivial method can be used to extract water from the ear in several different variants:

  • P rzechyl head to one side and gently tapped the opposite ear, so that the water itself left ear canal.
  • If the water is stuck deep enough in your ear, you can try jumping up and down with your head tilted to one side. Jumping – while it may look fun – helps you get the pressure you need and release the water from your ear canal.
  • You can also pull the earlobe to open the opening of the ear canal wider. It will be best to combine this technique with those described above to get rid of excess water from the ear more effectively.

3. Sleep on the correct side

A sleeping woman and water in the ear

This is another very simple and quite natural trick that will help you open the ear canal. The key to success here is the interaction of gravity. When going to bed, make sure you lie down on the correct side. This allows the water to naturally flow out of the ear while you sleep.

4. Dryer

Another trick you can use to remove excess water from your ear canal is to use a hair dryer. Set the dryer to the lowest speed and temperature, and keep a sufficient distance from your ear to avoid burns.

Dry your ear for a few minutes. This will allow you to dry the ear and get rid of water in the ear canal.

Other home remedies for ear drying


As we mentioned before, one of the home remedies to remove water from the ear is alcohol. It is enough to apply a few drops of alcohol to the ear and wait 5 minutes. Then you should tilt your head vigorously so that the water leaves the ear canal without obstruction.

Treatment solution with alcohol water in the ear

If you do not have special ear drops or a medicinal solution on hand, you can use ordinary decontaminating alcohol, available at pharmacies or drugstores.

Long-term blockage of the ear canal by water can lead to the development of infections, so alcohol is a doubly good solution to this problem.

Alcohol and vinegar

You can also combine the properties of alcohol and vinegar, thanks to which you will unblock the ear canal and remove residual water even more effectively.

As with alcohol alone, apply a few drops to the inside of the ear, and after 5 minutes, tilt your head vigorously so that the water leaves the ear canal. This method will also help to clean the ear of residual earwax.

Nose drops

Hydrogen dioxide

As in the previous two cases, apply a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to the ear, wait 5 minutes and tilt your head. You’ll unlock the ear canal and decontaminate the inside of the ear in one go.

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