What Is Neutral Soap For?

Neutral soap is a hypoallergenic product with a pH similar to that of human skin. These properties make it well tolerated by all skin types.
What is neutral soap for?

Neutral soap is an interesting alternative for people who do not like normal soaps and those who want to improve the appearance of the skin. It is a product with many advantages and few contraindications.

Neutral soap has a pH very similar to that of human skin, so it is recommended for sensitive skin. This type of soap does not contain the dyes, fragrances, or ingredients normally found in industrial soap.

It is worth noting that neutral soap is suitable for all skin types,  and also serves the hairy scalp and hair. Either way, you have to be careful, because not every soap advertised as neutral actually is.

What is neutral soap?

Woman in the shower

Neutral soap is a product with a pH similar to that of human skin. pH is a value that determines the pH of a substance on a scale of 0 to 14. The  pH of human skin is 5.5. This is exactly what neutral soaps have.

This type of soap is made of natural oils or animal fats. They are usually beige or white in color. If their color is different, a dye has probably been added to them.

These soaps are hypoallergenic, which means that they do not cause an allergic reaction, although this cannot be completely ruled out. Thanks to the content of fatty acids, they moisturize and have hygroscopic properties, i.e. they absorb moisture from the environment and transfer it to the skin.

What is neutral soap for?

Neutral soap has many uses, but is primarily used for daily cleansing of the skin of the face and body. Due to its properties, it is often used for sensitive skin or skin with dermatological problems.

This type of soaps is perfect for dry, oily and combination skin. Dry skin provides hydration, especially if glycerin is included in the composition. In the case of oily skin, they help to remove the accumulated sebum in the pores, which creates blackheads and blackheads.

They are also often used on irritated skin. However, there are  other, less common applications  as well, such as:

  • Wound cleansing.
  • Washing the scalp – cleanses and moisturizes.
  • Removes the smell of moisture from the cabinets. Putting a piece of such soap inside helps to eliminate odors.
  • Tool cleaning. This type of soap along with a little vinegar helps to remove grease from kitchen utensils.
  • Maintain keyholes. Cleaning keyholes with this soap ensures lubrication and good condition.
  • Window and door care. Lubricates and eliminates the problem of squeaking.


A bar of soap

Many people with allergies are hypersensitive to common soap and do not know it. The easiest way to check this is by performing a skin test. If irritation occurs, stop using the soap and repeat the test after a few days. When the reaction is the same – it means an allergy.

Burning and itching after using soap is a sign of irritation. The use of soap should not be painful. Such a symptom is always a sign of intolerance.

Allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin may react poorly to industrial soaps containing triclosan, formaldehyde, parabens and / or sodium lauryl sulfate. Then it is better to switch to neutral soap.

Neutral soaps can also cause side effects,  especially on extremely sensitive skin. It’s best to do a forearm test. When an allergic reaction occurs – there is no doubt.

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