Whoever Judges Your Life, Let Them Put On Your Shoes

Let us not allow the judgments of others to condition our lives. While constructive criticism helps us grow, we must learn to ignore those who want to harm us.
Whoever judges your life, put on your shoes

How many times have you had to confront other people’s judgments and opinions about what your life is like ?

Sometimes we are not only forced to overcome the difficulties that the path we have chosen prepares for us every day. But we also have to deal with the opinions and judgments of third parties. Those who are so eager to criticize what we are doing or have just decided to stop.

The constant repetition that we do not care and that it has no effect on us is often not true. It is not always easy to ignore and not take to heart unflattering comments about what our lives are like and what actions we take.

Some people believe that they have the gift of universal wisdom and this gives them the right to judge your way. It is especially difficult not to take such comments personally when they come from the lips of people who are close to us. Like family or friends.

Our life and those who judge it

Nobody is this true friend, or even a significant family member, if they dare to evaluate and judge your choices and actions without knowing exactly the emotions that guide you. Neither are you carrying all those moments that you have experienced in your backpack of experiences and in your heart. Those that determine the decisions you make.

The life we ​​build and the paths that define us

You are not really just the woman you see in the mirror. You are not just a certain way of dressing, or even a word to say to other people.

Life puts us in countless situations. And you, experiencing them with the depth of your being, are all those experiences that others may not have the slightest idea about, if you just don’t want to share them.

None of us follow our path in life, constantly telling us what happens to him at every moment. Nobody announces all their disappointments, defeats and even victories. Why then, we humans so often judge others without knowing and knowing practically nothing?

Only frustrated people will judge you

People who evaluate other people’s choices and life paths are usually the most frustrated and dissatisfied with their lives.

  • are those who are dissatisfied with themselves and at the same time feel the need to control and intervene in the lives of others
  • a similar phenomenon is often observed on the part of relatives, i.e. family members. It is from their lips that the words of the most painful and most severe criticism are most often uttered
  • they judge us, seemingly in good faith, to protect us or teach us a lesson, but they really want to control our life and fit it into their thinking pattern with the rules prevailing there
  • very often those who evaluate your actions, choices, belittle and criticize them, thus trying to justify themselves to themselves and explain from their lives. This is a very common occurrence

The moment third parties start to judge, they don’t use constructive arguments that could help us with anything. In fact, they always take the form of attack, insult, or contempt.

A woman with a mask
  • often for people who judge a lack of self-criticism. They don’t realize that their actions and words are a mistake that can do real harm. They limit themselves to pouring out a sea of ​​criticism on others
  • most often those who do this do not have their own life, hobbies, passions that help to relatively look at reality and free themselves from focusing too much on others

Life – how to deal with the judgments of others?

Most often we tell ourselves that we are not touched at all, it does not hurt, we do not care. Indeed, this may be the case if the judgment, criticism or unfavorable evaluation has been made, for example, by a colleague with whom we do not have a close relationship. Then it’s easy to forget.

But what if it is a friend, family member, partner who criticizes what your life is like?

There is no need to feel offended or hurt in such cases. The first thing you should do is stay calm, concentrate on yourself, and follow these words:

“I know who I am and what I have been through. I am proud of all the steps I have taken and all the goals I have achieved, as well as the conclusions and lessons I have learned from the mistakes I made. Nobody but me has the right to judge me, because only I know what I have really experienced and felt. I am happy with what I am and with everything I have. “

The boy lives among the pigeons
  • once you have affirmed and protected your self-esteem, refrain from making hurtful remarks and comments. If you show anger and contempt, negative feelings will last longer and cause more harm
  • show disappointment. Let it be clear that no one has the right to judge or criticize you, and thus the only thing the assessor demonstrates is that they don’t know you at all and thus are failing you.
  • anyone who starts to criticize your life and make decisions is not a good companion in your life journey. And it doesn’t matter if it’s your mom, brother or your partner
  • people who do not accept that you have made mistakes in certain situations are those who consider themselves perfect. Seeing yourself as a person who is never wrong is not only a lack of self-criticism, but empathy as well .

Don’t let it happen!

If all you hear every day are opinions, criticisms and judgments from others, you will eventually become their slave. Never let that happen!

In such cases, you need to ask yourself whether it is better to keep your distance from those who cannot see what is valuable in you.

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