Young Skin – 9 Practical Tips On How To Maintain It

To enjoy young skin, first of all, it needs to be moisturized, both from the outside and the inside. It is also worth avoiding tension and exercising regular facial muscles. They will help us maintain the elasticity of the skin.
Young skin - 9 practical tips for maintaining it

Young skin is a dream of each of us. It turns out, however, that there are a whole host of factors influencing it. These include the passage of time, environmental pollution, poor nutrition, bad habits, stress, negative emotions and much more.

It turns out, however, that there are useful tips for keeping our young skin flawless and beautiful at all times. In today’s article, you will discover the best tips to keep your face young and flawless skin. These tricks are homemade, easy to perform and inexpensive.

Be sure to try as soon as possible!

Young skin – you won’t get it with Botox

Procedures such as plastic surgery or botox injection are far too aggressive for the skin. Cosmetics produced by scientists with dubious abilities are not a way for us to radiate healthy young skin.

Smiling woman - young skin

These kinds of choices will have unpleasant side effects for both our skin and our health. In addition, they evoke an unreal image of a person and our face begins to look somehow unnatural – especially to family and close friends.

1. Plant enzymes will make your skin glow

Some fruits and vegetables contain extremely powerful enzymes and antioxidants. They help us cleanse the skin of all impurities and add radiance to it. Among them, the following can be mentioned:

  • Pineapples
  • Tomatoes
  • Papaya

It is enough to simply rub a piece of a given fruit or vegetable into the skin, then let it dry for a few minutes and wash your face with water. You can see a clear difference in just a few minutes.

2. Perfect skin with salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is an ingredient known for its anesthetic properties – but that’s not all. It is also an excellent natural remedy to cleanse the skin of impurities and prevent stains.

It’s a good idea to use it as a natural exfoliant. Just massage with gentle circular movements every ten or fifteen days.

3. Do facial gymnastics

Sport is in fashion – this also applies to facial gymnastics. If we train the muscles of the whole body, why not do that for the face as well?

Well-groomed face

We should focus on it, because it is on our face that tensions, fatigue, aversion, stress and other negative aspects accumulate. Spend a few minutes a day self-massage and facial gymnastics. We will even be able to turn back time to radiate a young skin and a relaxed face.

4. Say “enough” to tension and stress

Tension is one of our greatest enemies in our quest for our young skin to radiate glow and beauty. They make the face look harsh and sad.

We must be aware of what is happening to our face. Take a look at your gestures and facial expressions – especially the one you adopt when you are angry, nervous or stressed. Try to learn to relax and bring your face back to its “starting” position.

Before going to bed every night, it is worth focusing on relaxation techniques for a few minutes. It’s a good idea to breathe deeply and gradually relax each part of your face.

5. Young skin? Ten minutes in the sun a day is enough!

While over-exposure to sunlight is one of the main causes of aging our skin, the truth is, we do need sun. It is good for our skin and for overall health – as long as we sunbathe wisely.

Woman - sunbathing

Ten minutes a day, early in the morning or late afternoon, will suffice. Thanks to this, we will be able to enjoy it, and at the same time keep the skin beautiful, tanned and, above all, young.

6. Look for the perfect way to moisturize

There are different types of skin: dry, oily, combination, mature, sensitive, acne-prone skin … So the most important thing is to determine which method of moisturizing will be the most appropriate in our case.

Here are a few of the most recommended lotions and moisturizers:

  • Natural oils (almond, coconut, mosquet rose)
  • Aloe gel
  • Karite butter
  • Jojoba oil

7. Young skin: use only natural products

Young skin is one on which no artificial, chemical cosmetics are used. They contain ingredients that are harmful to our skin and even to health. We mean, among others, parabens, paraffin and other petroleum derivatives, as well as alcohol, silicone, preservatives and others.

Eyes and young skin

The best skin care products are those made with vegetable oils and essential oils.

8. Nourish your skin from the inside out

One cannot forget the importance of a properly balanced diet. It must be varied to provide the body with valuable ingredients. It cannot be missing:

  • High-quality proteins
  • Healthy fats
  • Whole grain carbohydrates
  • Raw fruits and vegetables
  • Dried fruits and nuts

9. Drink plenty of water

Our last piece of advice is equally important – never forget to stay hydrated properly. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. If you want water to have a beneficial effect on your skin, drink it on an empty stomach.

A glass of water - hands

Remember that the minimum amount of water you should drink a day is one and a half liters. Ideally, you should drink two glasses in the morning on an empty stomach.

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